Fear of Success

Fear of success can be just as paralyzing as Fear of Failure. Many people fear success because it tests their limits and makes them vulnerable to new situations. Even worse, success can expose weaknesses and force people to deal with their flaws. Success is scary because it involves change. Success can be intimidating and hard … Continue reading

Business Building Contest 2024-25

Our Contest runs between JP+ Live! Conferences, from October to March and April to September each year, recognizing and rewarding Business Building Results (rules below.) Overall Contest Leaderboard (April to August) Congratulations to MELINDA CRENWELGE! Final Results for August August’s Eagle of the Month: MELINDA CRENWELGE July’s Eagle of the Month: PATRICK ALCENDOR June’s Eagle … Continue reading

Express Track or Fast Track to Success

As a new Juice Plus+ Partner, how you start your Virtual Franchise is up to you – you set the pace and we will match it. Go slow, Fast Track or Express Track! (see below). 4 Steps of the Express or Fast Track:       Please refer to these pages for more detail and guidance: … Continue reading

Converting Customers into Partners

by Karen Weaver How do we do that? Through great conversations, customer care, building relationships, asking questions, asking more questions, listening, listening, listening. Remember the statistics: 85% only interested in JP 10% may be interested in the business at a later date 5% might be interested right away How do we find the 10%? Listening!! The real art of … Continue reading

Promotions, Bonuses and Rewards

Scroll down for Definitions, information on Restarts, “Slow Track” and explanation of Title Rewards. Definitions Working LineA line is each independent segment of your downline. Each line begins with an Independent Representative you personally sponsor (Frontline) and represents a new and separate “line” in your organization. Commission QualifiedTo qualify to earn a Commission in a given month … Continue reading

Sales Coordinator

Congratulations! You have reached the top commission level in our Business Model and are now earning the full 15% commission. Moving forward as you promote team members to the same SC position, you can qualify for your Promote Out Bonus. Your Next Step is the Leadership Track! Your next major Goal is Qualifying Senior Sales … Continue reading

Trade Shows

EXPOS, HEALTH FAIRS & TRADE SHOWS Exhibiting Juice Plus+ at a Health Fair, Show or Expo is not the main way to build this business, but for the right person they can be very useful. So, Trade Shows are NOT for Everyone, but… Elizabeth Tasis found this business at a trade show many years ago. … Continue reading


Pick the one that best describes you … then take our advice! Curious about the Juice Plus+ Virtual Franchise Brand New Partner Partner+ Qualifying Sales Coordinator (QSC) QSC with a Qualified Business (QSCQ) Sales Coordinator (SC) Qualifying Senior Sales Coordinator (QSSC) Senior Sales Coordinator (SSC) Qualifying National Marketing Director (QNMD) National Marketing Director (NMD)

Maximizing Your Juice Plus+ Conference Experience

by Nancy Kroupa, NMD The following tips are recommended to help you maximize your valuable time spent at the upcoming Juice Plus+ Conference – the “Super-bowl” of all JP+ events. I. Prepare Yourself Before the Conference Go yourself!  You must set the example and attend yourself, even if you do not have any team members going.  … Continue reading

Healthy Living Partner

Our “Healthy Living Partner Plan” is a great way to help offset the cost of your family’s Juice Plus+. You simply register with our company for a $52 yearly membership, and start saving money. Having registered, you will receive a rebate on your family’s orders. Most of us start with the Trio capsules (Fruit, Vegetable … Continue reading