Juice Plus +

How the Tower Garden Works

The space age Tower Garden™ technology took 10 years to fully develop into the product we have today.

The Tower Garden by Juice Plus+:

  • Highly oxygenates the roots to grow healthy strong plants

  • Feeds the plants a water based mineral solution

  • Produces food in a “green” or sustainable vertical growing system

Create a highly oxygenated environment for optimal plant growth

To achieve the first goal, we designed a water based growing system that features a highly oxygenated environment for the plant roots. Modern research has shown that increased oxygen to the root system helps to prevent disease and improves plant growth.

Feed the plants a water based mineral solution: “Tower Tonic”

To achieve the first and second goal of producing healthy plants and healthy food for people, we also had to develop a water based mineral solution to support the Tower Garden™ technology.

It took support from leading world experts in plant and human nutrition to develop the proprietary Tower Tonic plant food we use today. The Tower Tonic contains a wide range of specially formulated ionic minerals and plant nutrients. The Tower Tonic is the world’s first high performance ionic mineral solution specifically designed for all types of food and flowering crops.

Functions as a “green” or sustainable technology

The modular Tower Garden technology can be utilized anywhere in the world. This is highly beneficial because the carbon footprint of the food is greatly reduced by virtually eliminating shipping and storage. 

The Tower Gardenuses a closed system technology to recycle 100% of the nutrients and water. This means the plants use as little as 5 percent of the nutrients and water that is commonly used in conventional and organic farming. 

Finally, the pH balanced ionic minerals and plant nutrients found in the Tower Tonic (Ionic mineral based plant food used in the Tower Garden), produce strong, healthy plants that can better protect themselves from plant pests and disease. This reduces the use of organic and conventional pesticides.