These calls are a powerful tool in your business. They are simply a way of connecting your prospect or team member with an ‘Expert’. Understand that ANYONE they don’t know is an ‘expert’ to them!
For example: “Janet, my friend and mentor Jenny has been sharing Juice Plus+ much longer than I have. I would love you to hear her story. Can we touch base with her on the phone sometime soon – or even right now?”
The purpose of these calls is to “connect” your friend with someone else for 3rd party validation. If a complete stranger confirms what you’ve been saying, then it’s more believable; strange but true!
If you are new, make sure your sponsor arranges for you to “connect” with your National Marketing Director, who will welcome you to the team. This will be your first experience and a good demonstration of the power of 3-way “Connection Calls”.
“Seeing is Believing”, so the Zoom 3-way is by far the most powerful, but the good old phone works too!
Team Building Zooms/Calls
This printable page explains the 3-Way Connection Call in more detail. Listen to this excellent training call. Learn to use and love these three important “Connection Calls”:
Business Prospect – connect your friend with someone whose success story will help convince them about the Virtual Franchise; someone who has seen success with their Virtual Franchise, a Senior Sales Coordinator or higher.
New Partner – connect your new partner with our team leader who will welcome them and cast vision for what’s possible; this will encourage each new person to go for the 2000+ and Sales Coordinator.
New Fast Tracker – connect your new Partner+ or QSC with your team leader to congratulate them and coach them on their next steps: qualifying their business and fast tracking to Sales Coordinator.
Reasons to do 3-Way “Connection Calls”
3-Way Zooms/Calls:
- Introduce prospects to someone they can identify with.
- Have an expert (your call partner) handle a question.
- Train a new member of your team on zoom/phone techniques.
- Get people excited!
- Get invaluable 3rd party validation.
- Share a testimonial first hand about the business.
- Demonstrate the support available in our business.
- Offer encouragement and support.
- Welcome new team members.
- Demonstrate that it’s not all about you – there is a much bigger picture!
Use this Profile Sheet to brief your Call Partner for a call with a Team Member or Prospect.
This excellent training will convince you that “Connection Calls” are essential to your business, incredibly simple, yet very powerful: