Your Juice Plus+ Website has a listing of all the events around the country.
In real estate the three most important success factors are “Location, Location, Location”. In your Virtual Franchise they are “Events, Events, Events”.
If Preferred Customers are the “life-blood” of your business, then Events are the “arteries”. “Flow” your prospects and customers through ‘Events’: starting with Wellness Presentations, Prevention Plus+ seminars, Webinars, Zoom calls, even Connection Calls.
You will find other events around the world at these Co-op websites:
Alabama – Alaska – Arizona – Austin (TX) – Atlanta (GA) – Australia/NZ – California (Southern) – California (Bay Area)
Canada – Carolinas – Chicago (IL) – Cincinnati (OH) – Cleveland (OH) – Columbia (MO) – Colorado Springs (CO)
Columbus (OH) – Dallas (TX) – Dayton (OH) – Denver (CO) – Detroit/SE Michigan – Florida – Florida (NW) – Florida (SW)
Georgetown (TX) – Hawaii – Houston (TX) – Idaho – Indianapolis (IN) – Iowa – Kansas City (KS) – Kentucky
Las Vegas (NV) – Michigan/Indiana – Mid Atlantic – Mid South (TN/MS) – Minnesota – Nashville (TN) – Nebraska
Nevada (Northern)– New England– New York City – New York (Up-state) – Northeast Coast – North Texas
Oregon – Pacific North West – Pennsylvania– Quad Cities (IA/IL) – San Antonio (TX)
Seattle (WA) – Springfield (MO) – St. Louis (MO)
Once a prospect or customer is open to looking at the business, bring them to a local Virtual Franchise Overview or a Thursday Business Zoom, a Training Workshop, Bootcamp or Leadership Conference.
Events make all the difference in building your business. Successful JP+ Reps attend events, build for events and teach their team members to use them. Learn how to promote events and teach others to do the same, and you will make a small Fortune. Health events build belief, introduce customers to more positive, passionate JP+ Reps, and show them a bigger picture. Very often at the end of a Prevention Plus+ health event a guest will turn to us and say “I’m so impressed! Tell me, how does your business work?”
Once you have a new partner, Events are even more important. Commitment to training, to bringing guests to events and to teaching others to do the same is VITAL to success in your business. You must lead by example, attending and promoting the events yourself.
Events show the BIG picture. The sooner your customer/prospect realizes there is more to this than “you selling pills”, the more likely they will see that there is something here for them.
The “big picture” is a combination of:
- their own belief (which builds with each exposure they have to Juice Plus+ products, partners and the results seen by themselves and others)
- relationships developed with you (their “partner in healthy living”) and others already in the business
- the realization that you are serious, and so are this product, company and business
- the understanding that this is something they can do and might want to do.
During each partner’s “career” with Juice Plus+ they experience an event where they get their “Ah, Hah!”, the light bulb goes off, they discover their true, big WHY for the business. You never know when or where this will happen, but EVERY person who succeeds in this business has this experience. So, attend events (especially Bootcamps and Conferences) until you “get it”! Encourage your team members to do the same.