Create a JP+ Raving Fan

Your goal is to have Raving Fan customers who share their Juice Plus+ Experience with others – in person, in our Facebook customer group and on their own Facebook pages. Prompt them to share their results, with family, with friends, on social media!

Ravings Fans result from great Customer Care that ensures a really positive Juice Plus+ Experience.

Do you want to keep your customers for life?  That’s where the really exciting income opportunity lies in our pay plan.  Our mail box money: our residuals are based on keeping customers on Juice Plus+.

Regardless of the strategy, you’re not going to be able to do that 100% of the time.

But one of the basic principles of business is: it costs far more to get a customer than keep them. If you’ve been in the business more than 90 days and find yourself spending most of your time acquiring customers, you may not be leveraging your time in the best way possible.

How do you make Raving Fans?

It’s not about having satisfied customers.  Most customers are “satisfied” if you’re not rude, don’t charge them the wrong amount on their credit card, get their order in a reasonable amount of time, etc.  But a “satisfied” customer is one who can be swept away by a less-expensive, copycat product, the new nutritional fad of the month, or dissuaded when a family member or even a doctor tells them Juice Plus+ is a hoax.  Having only satisfied customers will eventually make you feel like you’re pouring new customers into a funnel that leaks profusely from the bottom.

Those things would never happen with a Raving Fan. A Raving Fan talks about Juice Plus+ with the people they care about; would gladly take information to their doctor, calls you when they read about a less-expensive fruit and vegetable capsule in some catalog.  A Raving Fan tells their critics “I’m worth it!” and “I’m smart enough to make a good decision for myself!”

It all starts with you having a really clear picture of what you want out of this business and what you imagine the ideal relationship with your customers to be.  Our big audacious goal is to really impact the risk of disease associated with fruit and vegetable deficiencies and obesity.  That goal is only achievable with the help of a lot of friends that we make along the way and their friends, and their doctors, and so on.

The next thing is knowing your customer and understanding what they want.  Do they all want the same thing? No! Taking time to get to know them is really important.  Start a Customer Profile with them and listen, really Listen to what they tell you.  Before you ever send them a video, you want to have a really clear picture of why Juice Plus+ would be important to them.  You also want to know the best way to contact them; whether e-mail, text, private message, lunchtime at work, or Saturday morning.

Next, go about making sure that your relationship with them and their experience of Juice Plus+ exceed their expectations.


  1. The Customer uses more than one product and/or has several family members on Juice Plus+.
  2. The Customer is having a positive Juice Plus+ experience and may already be sharing and giving you referrals.
  3. The Customer is engaged with you, in the Facebook group, via email and attends events.
  4. The Customer reorders consistently.
  5. Juice Plus+ Experience Survey shows they love JP+

What are they really looking for?

Maybe to feel better?  Can you really control that?  No, so from the very beginning, emphasize prevention.  There is something you can control; people are starving for someone to take an interest in them.

When you complete the Customer Profile, take notes.  Very often they’re disclosing family members with the problems you mention (Details of household; kids names, husband, etc.)  When you do follow-up calls, you will know exactly what to talk about.  How are you doing with those migraines?  Noticing any change?  How’s your energy been in the late afternoons? How’s your sleep, digestion, skin, hair, nails, cravings,…?

Make brief follow-up phone calls, “Just thinking about you, and wanted to give you a quick call.”  One of the most important calls is after 90 days on the product to make sure they are ready for the second box before the next scheduled ship date.

Getting a second box shipped to a customer isn’t your final goal.  Help them take responsibility for their health, for life.  You can go a step further. If you read a great article relating fruits and vegetables to their area of concern; email it with a short note, “I was thinking about you and thought you’d enjoy this article.”   When I send invitations to events, I attach a short note emphasizing the part of the talk that will pertain to their health issue.  Months after the sale, they’re still hearing from me and my closing line in letter instead of “sincerely” is “your partner in healthy living.”

This may sound terribly time-consuming but in reality it saves a tremendous amount of time.  Each and every month, we get referrals – both for customers, business prospects, doctors to call on, customers ready to become distributors. You will have an ever-expanding warm market with this approach instead of wondering where you can drum up new business.

Once you have a Raving Fan, talk to them about our “Friends & Family Plan”  to offset the cost of their Juice Plus+ or, if appropriate, about the full business opportunity.

ASKING FOR REFERRALS (while doing Customer Care Calls)

When you have a “satisfied customer”, ask them for referrals:

Step 1- Affirm Success

“You’ve had great results on the products” (or make it specific to their results)…, “You know Sally, you’re telling me how much more energy you have, how much better you sleep and how Juice Plus+ has helped your digestion…….”

Step 2- Ask the Question

“Sally, my mission is to tell everyone about the benefits of whole
food nutrition and Juice Plus+ and word of mouth is how we spread our message. I could use your help. By referring 5 of your family/friends, wouldn’t it feel good to know that you will be giving the gift of health to them too? And you will be helping me spread the word and I appreciate your partnership on my mission. And if you wish, I could help you offset your monthly cost of Juice Plus+ by referring your friends… would be my way of thanking you. Would you be open to helping me out?”

Step 3- WAIT for reply

If the answer is “No”, thank them for their time and commitment to
their personal health. If the answer is “Yes” –

“Great; thank you. What I want to do is go over the kind of people I’m looking for. Can you get out your address book or your contacts on your phone (or friends on facebook) and we can go over this right now?”

These are the types of people I’m looking to help…..
1.) health conscious or athletic people;
2.) people with allergies, asthma, chronic fatigue, autoimmune diseases;
3.) people you know who are tired all the time;
4.) parents with children between 4 and fulltime college students (free product); or
5.) maybe healthcare professionals that you know who are interested in nutrition and eating right.”

WAIT! Wait until they reveal ALL the names they think of. Don’t interrupt while they are thinking out loud just keep jotting the names down!

THEN ask…. “Why do you think they would be interested?” (get as specific as they are comfortable sharing as this will help you when you call their friend/family).

Finally ask for the contact information and assure them that they will be treated as respectfully as you have treated them.

Verbiage for Calling Referrals

If you get good at getting referrals you will never run out of prospects. Once you get a referral call them.

Calling Referrals is easy if you follow a simple script. Because this person does not know you, you need to use the name of the person they do know. This is called the Referral Umbrella. Use it and it will protect you from the “I don’t know you” fall out.


“Hello _(person’s name)_ ? __(referrers name)__ asked me to call you because he/she said you are looking for some help with (some health issues, or _____) and felt I may be able to help. My name is _________ and I help people feel better, have more energy and reduce their risk of illness or recover from their current health challenges. I may or may not be able to help you, but, would you have just a few minutes now to see if what I have could possibly be what you are looking for. If it’s not, that’s no problem, we will just end the call. Would that be OK?” (yes) “Thank you….and hey, if at any time you don’t feel comfortable with what I am saying, you just let me know….fair enough?”

“Hello _(person’s name)_ ? __(referrers name)__ asked me to call you because he/she said you are looking for ways to increase your income without interfering with what you’re doing now and felt that I may be able to help you. My name is _______________ and I help people create additional income and save on taxes too! I may or may not be able to help you, but, would you have just a couple of minutes now to see if what I have could be a possible fit? If it’s not, that’s no problem. Would that be OK?” (yes) “Thank you….and hey, if at any time you don’t feel comfortable with what I am saying, you just let me know….fair enough?”

1. Confirm who you are talking to: “Hello _(person’s name)_ ?” We do this naturally but it’s important not to forget this step.
2. Referrer’s name: “__(referrers name)__ asked me to call you…”. Get the Referrer’s name out as quickly as possible. You’re not a telemarketer when they know the same person you know. Why did their friend want you to call them: “…because he/she said you are …(the problem to be solved)…”. There has to be a reason for you to call so get that reason on the table quickly. The reason is particular to that person and that will catch their attention. The reason will fall under one of four general categories: health, job, finances, or time freedom.
3. Your name and what you do: “My name is _______________ and I help people….”. Now that the referral and you have a common point (the referrer), it’s time to introduce yourself. What you do should tie back to why their friend asked you to call.
4. Ask for the time to talk: “I may or may not be able to help you, but, would you have just a couple of minutes now to see if what I have could be a possible fit.” You’re asking permission to take a few minutes of their time when they weren’t even expecting a call. This simple courtesy puts you on the right foot. This is a soft approach that makes them comfortable because you’re not assuming you have all the answers for them.
5. Easy Exit: “If it’s not, that’s no problem. Would that be OK?” People hate to be trapped by sales people. When they’re trapped, they can only think about how to get out. By showing them they have an easy out, they will talk more openly with you. The question at the end just gets an agreement so you can proceed.

Example: “Hello _(person’s name)_ ? __(referrers name)__ asked me to call
you because he/she said you are looking for help with some health issues and
felt I may be able to help you. My name is _______________ and I show people new technology that their doctors are not aware of that’s helped thousands of people like myself. I may or may not be able to help you, but, would you have just a couple of minutes now to see if what I have could be a possible answer. If it’s not, that’s no problem. Would that be OK?”

Referral Email or Letter – Sample

Dear …,

I am so pleased that you are taking your Juice Plus+ consistently, and that you’ve noticed several benefits (name them). It’s also good to hear that you (or your kids) are actually eating more fruits & vegetables!

My business relies on sharing the gift of good health with others. Now you have developed a belief in Juice Plus+, you may want to recommend it to your family and friends.
We have an excellent referral program (we call it the Friends and Family Program) which would help you to offset the cost of your Juice Plus+, or even make an additional $500-$1000 a month.

I’d be happy to do a wellness event in your home or invite them to one at mine – whatever you think would be best.

Alternatively, I’d be happy to contact some of them for you, and be sure to give you a thank-you gift for any that become Juice Plus+ customers.

If you’re interested in knowing more, please don’t hesitate to email me or call: xxx-xxx-xxxx.

Step 7: Invite Them to Join Our Mission