This may be the most important book we know for those wanting real success with Juice Plus+. We are generally not impressed with books on networking, mainly because what’s written is either tired and filled with old-school network marketing ideas, and/or it’s just not relevant to our Juice Plus+ Virtual Franchise.
Within the first few pages of Go Pro, we knew we’d found something very different: profound knowledge totally applicable to our business and to those, like us, excited about what we have to offer to the world.
We found ourselves sitting up, paying close attention to every sentence, saying: “Wow – this IS our business!” followed by “everyone on our team needs to read this!”
In this recent recorded call Jeff Roberti and Cheryl Cortese interview Eric Worre about his book and his life… well worth a few minutes of your time!
You can read Chapter One Here – at the end is an offer to get the book FREE!
Eric Worre interviews Sven Goebel
Sven is one of the top leaders in Juice Plus+ Europe. Like us (Mick & Jenny) Sven has been with Juice Plus+ for more than 20 years (he started as a college student). He loves our business and, like us, he loves Eric’s book!
GoPro Methods in the Digital/Social Media World – Listen Here
Team Eagles Book Study – Listen Here First
During our study of this book we related the lessons learned to our mission of Embrace, Share, Inspire.
There are three categories of people in JUICE PLUS+.
1. Embracers – all Juice Plus+ Partners start as Embracers; we love Juice Plus+, we embrace the concept, we believe in it (to a degree, although lack of knowledge And belief may dent the enthusiasm of some). When they feel some obligation to share it, want to help cover their costs, and/or get a glimpse of the opportunity represented by such a fantastic product, they become Sharers.
2. Sharers embrace Juice Plus+ and love others enough to go out there and share it with them. However they may lack the Vision, conviction, belief or desire to go beyond sharing JP+ with a few; perhaps they just want to cover their costs and that’s OK. If they never get a true Vision for the business and what it could mean for them; if they cannot connect their dreams for their family to what our business offers, then they may never become Inspirers. Btw, it’s EVENTS that will pull most people across that line.
3. Inspirers are the business builders, who recognize that they can make a much greater impact with our wonderful products AND our wonderful business by building a team, and by building leaders within their team. One of the new NMDs in England built a team of 550 Reps with over 5000 customers in about 18 months. What a difference SHE is making!
There are 3 levels of Inspirers:
Level 1 Inspirers want it, but perhaps they depend too much on luck (as Eric describes), so they don’t want to work hard. Their belief in Juice Plus+ is strong, but perhaps:
- They are very selective about who they share Juice Plus+ with.
- They don’t want to offend or come across as a salesperson.
- They don’t like aspects of the system, our business model, eg Parties!?!
- They are just not willing or able to commit to the business as a high priority
Level 2 Inspirers understand what it takes and have a higher level of desire, but perhaps:
- They don’t want to talk to that many people. The truth is, we must “Say less to more” but that means we must say MUCH less to WAY MORE people!
- They are amateurs in their thinking, focusing on luck, timing, positioning, shortcuts, gimmicks, etc.
Level 3 PROFESSIONAL INSPIRERS are committed to building a team and help others become leaders building their own teams with their own leaders.
To Go Pro, to reach level 3, we must learn and master 8 skills (I’ve added one to Eric’s 7 to better match our Juice Plus+ business):
- Skill #1: Identifying Prospects for Juice Plus+ and the Virtual Franchise (Chapter 4)
- Skill #2: Inviting Prospects to Understand Juice Plus+ and/or the Virtual Franchise (Chapter 5)
- Skill #3: Sharing Juice Plus+ and the Virtual Franchise with your Prospects (Chapter 6)
- Skill #4: Following Up with your Prospects (Chapter 7)
- Skill #5: Helping your Prospects Become Customers or Partners (Chapter 8)
- Skill #6: Caring for your Customers to make them Raving Fans
- Skill #7: Helping your New Partner Get Started Right (Chapter 9)
- Skill #8: Promoting Events (Chapter 10)
Week 2 (Listen)
Chapter 4 – Skill #1: Finding Prospects for Juice Plus+ and the Virtual Franchise
It begins and ends with the “Memory Jogger” – our first teachable moment in the business (the first skill we need to learn) is to “trust the teacher” and make your list; make it as long as possible. Add to the list every day – people you meet, people you remember. You will be amazed how often you ‘bump into’ someone you put on your list (if you have a long list).
Think of the mutual acquaintances of your friends.
We will invite 100% of those on our list to understand Juice Plus+; we will invite, probably, 20% of those on our list.
We have only two people out of the thousands on our team today, whom we knew before we started with this company in 1990.
Chapter 5 – Skill #2: Inviting Prospects to Understand Juice Plus+ and/or the Virtual Franchise
Our job is to invite people on our list (or who we meet) to understand Juice Plus+; to understand the JP+ Virtual Franchise.
Use a ‘tool’ (brochure, Video, Zoom, Conference Call) first, then bring them to an Event.
Success formula (aka INSPIRE): “Your ability to get a large group of people to consistently do a few simple things over an extended period time.”
Four basic rules for inviting:
1. emotionally detach yourself from the outcome (it’s your ‘job’ to educate and help them understand)
2. be yourself (be your best self!)
3. bring some passion (convey enthusiasm as you share your Story)
4. have a strong posture (from your wholeheartedly EMBRACE’ing of Juice Plus+)
Steps in the Inviting process:
1. Be brief (Eric says: “be in a hurry” … “I don’t want to take much of your time…”)
2. Edify your prospect (“I thought of you because … “)
3. Make the Invitation – direct or indirect approach (“Who do you know who would like to make radical improvements to their health? … who would love a Transformation?”)
4. “If I .. would you?” (Powerful question! eg “If I loaned you this DVD, would you watch it”)
5. Confirmation #1 – get a time commitment (“When do you think you could watch the DVD for sure?”)
6. Confirmation #2 – confirm the time commitment (“So if I call you on Wednesday morning …?”)
7. Confirmation #3 – set the appointment (“What’s the best number and time for me to call?”)
8. Get off the phone! (“Your time is valuable…”
Week 3 (Listen)
Chapter 6 – Skill #3: Sharing Juice Plus+ and the Virtual Franchise
A short chapter, because if you have mastered skills 1 and 2 below, then SHAREing our great product and business should be easy. Through properly IDENTIFYING and INVITING you have already established that your prospect needs Juice Plus+ and (in some cases – 20% of the time?) they need the business; for good reason they may be more interested in making money than spending money.
“You are the messenger not the message”, so use the ‘third party’ tools, and take yourself out of the equation (“Pros never make themselves the issue”): “it’s not all about us”. Use the CDs, DVDs, videos, Conference Calls and Connection Calls; don’t try to be the expert – it’s not necessary and not effective.
This is a profound takeaway from Eric Worre: “In (Juice Plus+) it doesn’t matter what works. It only matter what duplicates.” Going further, what duplicates IS what works!
Learn to share your Story “in a way that will make your prospects curious to hear more”. That duplicates, that works! Both your Juice Plus+ Story and your Business Story. That’s where you can be a “JP+ Pro”, bringing “passion, enthusiasm, excitement and belief”. By the way, that’s why Complete Transformation is working – it’s fun and exciting for all concerned! Your business story should cast vision for your prospect – it’s an exciting picture of your future that will inspire them to imagine theirs.
As Jenny described, it’s perfect to gently sow seeds for your business right when you are sharing Juice Plus+, especially when you are enrolling them as a customer (listen to the call).
Week 4 (Listen)
Chapter 7 – Skill #4: Following Up with your Prospects
“The Fortune is in the Follow-up!” We’ve known it for the 23 years we’ve been in this business, and Eric’s says it in the first line of this chapter.
You will find a short, but effective training by Jenny and me on Follow-up.
One important truth is this “People are much happier to hear from me than I give myself credit for.” Remember this when you make your follow-up calls -it can make all the difference!
Follow-Up Principles:
- Follow-up is doing what you said you would (your integrity is at stake; people will respect you for doing so).
- Follow-up is all about setting up the next ‘exposure’ (it fits between the Invitation and the Decision).
- It takes an average of 4-6 exposures for the average person to decide (for JP+ and/or for the business).
- You can condense the number of exposures (mainly by bringing a prospect to an Event).
Whatever question or ‘objection’ your prospect may have, there the best way to handle them (whether you have an answer or not!) is:
- Say something like: “That’s a great question (or a great point), but I’m curious, WHY do you ask (or feel that way)?”
- Use “Feel/Felt/Found” to establish empathy. Remember: our goal is to help them understand; it’s all about THEM.
- Share Stories, not Facts. Share your own stories, share our stories, share other people’s stories.
Week 5 (Listen)
Chapter 8 – Skill #5: Helping your Prospects Become Customers or Partners
… and Skill #6: Caring for your Customers to make them Raving Fans. There is no chapter on this, but it’s vital for our business success).
As Stephen Covey said: “Start with the end in mind.” For us this means:
- When we enroll a new customer, start with the commitment to care enough that we give them world class customer service; that they will see results and accept their 2nd box of Juice Plus+; ultimately becoming a Raving Fan. That must be our goal from the outset. That is our privilege and their right.
- When we sponsor a new partner on our team, start with the commitment to care enough that we help them achieve their goals – whether to cover the cost of their product or go all the way to NMD and beyond. That is our privilege and their right.
In Eric Worre’s terms, this will help ensure we “have good posture” or the right attitude.
His second key to success is asking good questions, that lead in a positive direction. Great questions are “high yielding questions“. Then we follow great questions with great listening.
Juice Plus+ Professionals detach from the outcome of any and all conversations and invitations; our sole responsibility is to help them understand so they can make an educated decision. Whatever their decision, we have done our job.
The entire subject of Customer Care (including the improved Juice Plus+ Effect program) is covered here: Know Your Customer and Engage Your Customer.
Week 6 (Listen)
Chapter 9 – Skill #7: Helping your New Partner Get Started Right.
After Customer Acquisition and Retention (through great Customer Care), this is the most important skill and discipline in our Juice Plus+ business.
New partners are joining our teams every day. They each get a welcome email from us directing them first to VF Introduction, since most join for something like ourFriends & Family program. The email acknowledges that some “want more” and also directs them to look at Transformation.
As sponsors it’s our responsibility and their right to see that they get started right. Each sponsor should:
- congratulate them – we need to be as excited as they are.
- set their expectations – the difference between success and failure is them (not us). Our job is to help them achieve independence as quickly as possible, by being a resource and a guide to ensure they learn and grow in competence and confidence. There will be ups and downs; during the downs how do they want us to help?
- take them through:
- Products – to use all the products (become a product of the product) to build belief and confidence
- Tools – to use the CDs, DVDs, videos, webinars, 3-ways, etc. (see Chapter 6 below)
- Connection – to attend the events, to join the calls and zooms, to use the websites
- Compensation Plan – to understand and use our VF Introduction to explain how we are paid (high level)
- Invitation – how to invite prospects to understand Juice Plus+ and our Virtual Franchise (see Chapter 5 below)
- build game plan to get them results quickly – first customer, first team member, next event … in their first week. Their first check resulting from this should be $100 – $200 at least.
- give them simple assignments and help complete them – those outlined in Getting Started.
All these steps are designed and necessary to get your new team member “over the line”; the line between success and failure. “On one side of the line, it’s easier to quit than to continue. On the other side, it’s easier to continue than to quit.” WOW – that’s profound! It’s our responsibility as their sponsor to get them over that line and STAY over the line.
Our Fast Track and Super Track programs are designed to do that – all the way via Sales Coordinator to Senior Sales Coordinator – as fast as possible. That’s what Transformation is doing for many – how about you?!
Week 7 (Listen)
Chapter 10 – Skill #8: Promoting Events.
Nothing is as effective as face-to-face interaction, and events are the most impactful, whether huge (like our April and October Conferences with 5000+) or small in-home events with 8-12 people in attendance. All Events are powerful because they provide a sense of community; the chance to be among like-minded, supportive people having fun.
The Prevention Plus+ seminar (featuring a doctor or healthcare expert) is an intellectual event – powerful in its own way, where we learn the facts about health, nutrition and the role of Juice Plus+. The in-home Healthy Living Party is an emotional event, where inspiring stories are shared, and fun and excitement are the goal. Our big Leadership Conference is both; lots of learning, lots of fun and lots of excitement, which why they are SO powerful.
All events provide “Ah-Hah moments” – turning and tipping points in our business journey. That’s why we NEVER miss an event, especially the Conferences; we make them a priority. Watch the videos of new NMD speeches for an idea.
By attending ‘all’ events you become comfortable and confident in promoting them. You grow from being an Announcer to a Promoter. All Juice Plus+ Professionals are Event Promoters. “There’s no such thing as a silver bullet (in Juice Plus+), but this skill is as close as it gets.
The power of Events and the power of Transformation form a potent combo. Listen to the call to learn more.
Week 8 (Listen)
Chapters 11 & 12 – Wrapping it Up…
Anything worthwhile takes time; your business success and income will not get far ahead of your personal growth. “If I want to earn more, I need to become more.” The 1/3/5/7 formula: typically, it takes around 1 year to become competent; it takes 3 years of consistent part-time effort to build a full-time income; it takes 5 years to reach the top (NMD); it takes 7 years to become an ‘expert’ (where nothing surprises you). This was exactly our experience during the first 7 of our 23 years with this company.
In that process, you learn that all experiences – whether good or bad – are learning experiences, valuable for growth. Professionals never stop learning, never allow distractions, and always take action.
In taking the right action, the Plan-Do-Review process is key. Most people don’t plan; those that do often don’t take action; those who do both mostly fail to review the results so they can do better next time. It becomes a 7 step process over time, whether your timeframe is 1 week, 1 month, 1 year or longer:
- Make a Plan
- Do your Plan
- Review the results to see how you can improve
- Make a better Plan
- Do your better Plan
- Review your better Results to learn more
- Never stop using Plan-Do-Review, and teach it to all who want to grow and succeed
It’s All Worth It! For so little investment, the rewards in this business are staggering; nothing compares in the ‘real world’. Freedom is the greatest benefit: freedom to Be, Go, See, Do, Have, Give … (see Goals Setting).
Freedom to touch more lives; freedom to meet new people, make new friends; freedom to go and see new places; freedom to contribute to causes important to you … freedom to become who you were meant to be, who you will become in the process. “The journey is everything.”
This business is in your hands – it’s up to you, but we are here to help.