Health Information (documents, videos and audios)

ADD – How to Treat (pdf) by StaciJoy Ellis, RN

ADD or NDD (video, 8 min) by Dr. William Sears

ADHD and Autism (32 min) by Dr. Valerie Miles

Allergies to Foods and JP+ (2 min) by Bridgette Blain, PA

Allergy to a food within JP+? (9 min) by Wendy Campbell, RN, NMD, 100 Club

Allergy to a food within JP+? (6 min) by Karen Ewald, RN, NMD

ALS – What to do when a young person is diagnosed (5 min) by Dr. Candace Corson

Alzheimer’s (9 min) by Wendy Campbell, RN, NMD, 100 Club

Anemia…”My PC is anemic and yet she is on JP+, how can that be?” (3 min) by Wendy Campbell, RN, NMD, 100 Club

ANY DISEASE (pdf) by Wendy Campbell, RN, NMD, 100 Club

Arteries – Why do they constrict after eating a high fat meal? (5 min) by Dr. Candace Corson

Asthma (5 min) by Laura Dorsey, MSPT, NMD

Asthma and Inflammation  (41 min) with accompanying Article by Dr. Candace Corson

Asthma – How to Treat with Fruits and Vegetables (2 min) by Wendy Campbell, RN, NMD, 100 Club

Asthma Linked to Fast Food (4 min) by Wendy Campbell, RN, NMD, 100 Club

Athletes and Oxidative Stress (31 min) by Dr. Matt Brown

Athletes, Injury and JP+ (4 min) by Wendy Campbell, RN, NMD, 100 Club

Athletes – Nutrition for Young Athletes: Enhance Athletic Performance (2 min video) by Dr. Paul Stricker

Athletic Performance and Oxidative Stress: Your Performance Deserves Protection! (pdf) by Dr. Paul Stricker

Autism and Juice Plus+® (35 min) by Dr. Cannizzaro
Autoimmune Disorders by Wendy Campbell, RN, NMD, 100 Club
Part 1  (5 min)
Part 2  (5 min)
Part 3  (9 min)

Autoimmune Disorders (39 min) featuring Dr. Corson, Andrea Mather-Stow and Roe Melnicove

Autoimmune Disorders and Enhanced Plant-based, Whole-food Nutrition (6 min) by Dr. Candace Corson, NMD

Autoimmune Disorders and How to Begin Taking JP+ (3 min) by Dr. Candace Corson, NMD

Autoimmune Disorders – The Relationship Between Autoimmune Disorders and Nutrition” (28 min) Jeanie Williams, RN, NMD, 100 Club

Bariatric Surgery and JP+ (5 min – video) by Brenda Windsor, RN

Beauty of Juice Plus+® by Wendy Campbell, RN, NMD
Part 1 (5 min)
Part 2 (4 min)

Blood Sugar Changes and JP+  (9 min) by Dr. Candace Corson, NMD

Bone Health (3 min) by Wendy Campbell, RN, NMD, 100 Club

Bowel – Healthy Suggestions (pdf) by Dr. Carol Watson, NMD

Bowel Training (pdf) by Wendy Campbell, RN, NMD, 100 Club

Bowel Training for GI Issues: Constipation, IBS, Crohn’s Disease, Ulcerative Colitis, etc – 2016 (8 min) by Wendy Campbell, RN, NMD, 100 Club
(Also listen to Autoimmune Disorder teaching as many GI disorders are related to autoimmune)

Brain and Nutrition (30 min) by Dr. Candace Corson and George Knowles MD

Burn Victim and Need for JP+ (2 min) by Dr. Candace Corson, NMD

Calcium Absorption  (6 min) by Dr. Candace Corson, NMD

Calcium and Bone Health   (4 min) by Dr. Tanya Jackson

Calcium and Juice Plus+® (pdf) by Wendy Campbell, RN, NMD

Calcium and Juice Plus+® (pdf) by Dr. Mitra Ray

Calcium –  Controversy vs. Whole Food Nutrition   (6 min) by Dr. Carol Watson, ND, NMD

Cancer (34 min) by Pamela Benitez MD

Cancer – Chemo, Radiation Therapy, Chronically Ill Patients and JP+   (5 min)  by Dr. Matt Brown

Cancer – Hitting Cancer on All Sides (5 min) by Wendy Campbell, RN, NMD, 100 Club

Cancer, MD Anderson Study on Juice Plus+® (5 min) by Dr. Matt Brown

Cancer, Nutrition and Juice Plus+® (42 min) by Dr. Kim Dalzell and Dr. Matt Brown

Cancer Oriented Research (1 min) by Dr. Gina Travis

Cancer – Power of Fruits and Vegetables: Overview of Articles (8 min) by Wendy Campbell, RN, NMD, 100 Club

Cancer Patients – Is JP+ Safe?  (3 min) by Dr. Carol Watson, ND, NMD

Cancer Treatment – Effects of Whole Food Nutrition (video 2 min) by Dr. Kim Dalzell

Cardiovascular Significance, Cholesterol, Inflammation and JP+ (4 min) by Dr. Candace Corson, NMD

Celiac Disease   (3 min) by Dr. Candace Corson, NMD

Celiac Disease and Crohns  (40 min) by Dr. Candace Corson, NMD

Celiac Disease and Her Journey (8 min) by Sarah Gheen, RN

Chemicals in Our Food (4 min) by Jan Saran, NMD
 Article: U.S. Allows Chemicals in Foods that are Illegal Elsewhere
Article: A Look at Food Additives that are Legal in U.S.

Chemo, Radiation Therapy, Chronically Ill Patients and JP+ (5 min) by Dr. Matt Brown

Chiropractor – Sharing JP+ with Chiropractors who sell Standard Process and Other Supplements (2 min) by Dr. Carol Watson, RN, ND

Children – Babies and JP+: When to Add JP+ to a Babies Diet (6 min) by Wendy Campbell, RN, NMD

Children – How to Give JP+ Chewables to Children for the 1st Time! (6 min) by Dr. Candace Corson, NMD

Chiropractor on Muscle Testing and Juice Plus+® (pdf) by Dr. Mike Ewald

Cholesterol and Juice Plus+® (pdf) by Dr. Sharon Fitelson

Cholesterol Levels Improved (4 min) by Kathy Ross, RN

Cholesterol Lowering Drugs – To Take or Not to Take? (4 min) by Wendy Campbell, RN, NMD

Cholesterol Study (pdf) by Dr. Shirley Robertson

Congestive Heart Failure  (12 min) by Dr. Candace Corson, NMD

Constipation by Wendy Campbell, RN, NMD, 100 Club
Part 1  (5 min)
Part 2  (5 min)

Coumadin and Juice Plus+® (June 2016, pdf) by Dr. Candace Corson and Dr. George Knowles

Coumadin and Juice Plus+® (9 min) by Dr. John Saran

Coumadin and Juice Plus+®? (6 min) by Wendy Campbell, RN, NMD, 100 Club

Coumadin and Juice Plus+® (pdf) by Dr. Carlos Madero

Coumadin and Juice Plus+® (pdf) by Dr. Carol Watson, Dr. Mitra Ray and Wendy Campbell

Coumadin Letter to JP+ Customer  (doc) by Dr. Carol Watson, ND, NMD

Crohns and Celiac  (40 min) by Dr. Candace Corson, NMD

Crohns Disease  by Wendy Campbell, RN, NMD, 100 Club
Part 1 (10 min)
Part 2 (10 min)
Part 3 (8 min)

Crohns Disease and Juice Plus+® (pdf) by The Juice Plus+® Company and Wendy Campbell, RN

Dental Information and Juice Plus+® (pdf) by Dr. Frank Eggleston

Dental Periodontal Study
Part 1(3 min)
Part 2  (3 min)

Dentist – How my Dentist Husband Came to Believe in Juice Plus+ (6 min) by Peggy Anne Rockey, RN

Detoxification (2014)  (14 min) by Wendy Campbell, RN, NMD, 100 Club

Detoxification and Cleansing (5 min) by Wendy Campbell, RN, NMD, 100 Club

Detoxification Explanation by The Juice Plus+® Company

Detoxification from Long Term Use of Isolated Vitamins and Minerals  (5 min) by Wendy Campbell, RN, NMD, 100 Club

Detoxification – New Year Detox with JP+ and JP+ Complete (9 min) by Wendy Campbell, NMD, 100 Club and Cindy Boncoski, NMD

Detoxification – Understanding It (pdf) by Dr. Mitra Ray

Detoxification – Understanding It (pdf) by Dr. Carol Watson

Detoxification – What Symptoms to Expect When You Improve your Diet (pdf) by Dr. Stanley S. Bass ND, DC, Ph.C

Diabetic Doctor Looks at Diabetes: His & Yours Peter Lodewick, MD

Diabetes and Juice Plus+® (pdf) by Wendy Campbell, RN, NMD

Diabetes and Juice Plus+® (pdf) by Dr. Carol Watson

Diabetes and Juice Plus+® (pdf) by Dr. Shirley Robertson

Diabetes – Fiber Can Cut Diabetics’ Blood Sugar (pdf)

Diabetes – Type 1 (6 min) by Wendy Campbell, RN, NMD, 100 Club

Diabetes – Type 1 daily regimen with JP+ and JP+ Complete (1 min) by Laura Dorsey, MSPT, NMD

Diabetics and JP+ (3 min) by Dr. Jan Roberto, NMD

Disease – Handling Disease Specific Questions (10 min) by Wendy Campbell, RN, NMD, 100 Club

Diverticulitis  (5 min) by Dr. Candace Corson, NMD

Diverticulosis (5 min) by Dr. Matt Brown

DNA, Gene Health (2 min, video) by Robert Avery, MD

Down Syndrome and Juice Plus+®

Eczema   (3 min) by Tammy Miceli, RN

Eye – Macular Degeneration and Juice Plus+® by Dr. Barry Bohn

Eye Disease, Antioxidants and Cataract Story   (6 min) by Mary Scherer, RN, NMD

Eye Health – The Effects of Nutrition (2 min, video) by Dr. Scott Sitterle

FDA – Is Juice Plus+® FDA Approved? (3 min) by Reagan Dean

Fetal Atherosclerosis and Beginning of Heart Disease: Article 1 and Article 2

Fiber in Juice Plus+® (pdf) by Wendy Campbell, RN, NMD

Fiber: The Power of Soluble and Insoluble Fiber  (6 min)  by Wendy Campbell, RN, NMD, 100 Club

Fibromyalgia Discussion (3 min) by Dr. Leslie Stoklosa

Folate and Folic Acid – JP+ Connections Sept. 2015 (pdf)

Folic Acid – Folate in Juice Plus+® (pdf) by Dr. Carlos Madero, The Juice Plus®+ Company

Folic Acid MTHFR Mutation Issues and JP+® (6 min) by Wendy Campbell, RN, NMD quoting Dr. Carlos Madero

Folic Acid MTHFR: Synopsis of Misinformation Through the Years and Mention of MTHFR Mutation Chatter (8 min) by Wendy Campbell, RN, NMD

Food is Medicine by Wendy Campbell, RN, NMD, 100 Club
Part 1 (5 min)
Part 2 (5 min)
Part 3 (5 min)

Food Label and Standardization of the Nutritional Components of JP+ (2 min) by Dr. Carol Watson, ND, NMD

Functional Medicine and JP+ (6 min) by Dr. Michael Ewald, NMD, 100 Club

Gary Giles, VP of Product Development with Dany Martin, NMD (38 min)

Gastric Bypass and JP+ (5 min) by Dr. Carol Watson, ND, NMD

Gastric Bypass Follow-Up Nutrition (3 min) by Leanne Harris, NMD

Gastric Bypass Surgery and Juice Plus+® (pdf) by Dr. Carlos Madero

Gastric Bypass Surgery and Juice Plus+® (4 min) by Wendy Campbell, RN, NMD, 100 Club

Gastroparesis (8 min) by Francine Kerber, MS, RD, CDE

Goitrogens and Soy by Dr. Carol Watson, ND, NMD

Gut Ecology, The Pre-Biotic Function of Plant Foods and JP+ (29 min) by Dr. Candace Corson

Hashimoto’s Disease (Autoimmune, Effects Thyroid) (3 min) by Laura Dorsey, MSPT, NMD

Health Care – The Broken Medical System in Our Country: 3 Primary Care Doctors Speak up (38 min) with Dr. Matt Brown, Dr. Drew Clarke and Dr. John Saran

Heart Disease – Vitamins (Centrum) and Heart Disease   (5 min) by Dr. John Saran

Heart Disease and the Juice Plus+ Research (5 min) by Dr. Michael Ewald, NMD, 100 Club

Heart Disease and Berry Blend (3 min) by Dr. John Saran

Heart Disease, Genetics and the Role of Fruits and Vegetables (5 min) by Wendy Campbell, RN, NMD, 100 Club

Heart Health, Obesity and the Nemour’s Children Health Study (7 min)  by Dr. Michael Ewald, NMD, 100 Club

“Here is My Reply” Most FAQs (32 min) by Dr. Carol Watson

Hollistic View of Health and Health Recovery  (35 min) by Dr. Pamela Benitez, MD

Homocysteine and Juice Plus+®  (pdf) by Dr. Carol Watson

Hormones and Juice Plus+® (pdf) by Dr. Sharon Fitelson

Hormones and Juice Plus+® (pdf) by Dr. Carol Watson

Hormones, Health and Nutrition (29 min) by Dr. Sharon Fitelson

Hypothyroidism and Juice Plus+® (pdf) by Dr. Carol Watson

Hypothyroidism and Juice Plus+® (9 min) Dr. Candace Corson, NMD

Hypothyroidism, Cruciferous Vegetables and JP+ (5 min) by Dr. John Saran

“I Already Eat Fruits…Can I Just Take the Vegetable JP+?” (4 min) by Julie Herbst, NMD, 100 Club

“I just didn’t feel like talking about Juice Plus+ that day” (5 min) by Wendy Campbell, RN, NMD, 100 Club

Immune System  (6 min) Dr. Candace Corson, NMD

Immunity, Inflammation and the Research on JP+ (video, 40 min) by Dr. Candace Corson and Heidi Phillips

Infertility by Wendy Campbell, RN, NMD, 100 Club
Part 1 (5 min)
Part 2 (4 min)

Injury, Athletes and JP+ (4 min) by Wendy Campbell, RN, NMD, 100 Club

Injury, Pain and JP+ (4 min) by Laura Dorsey, MSPT, NMD

Inspiration on Health (37 min) by Linda Hagstrom, RN

Insulin Resistance – Benefits of Plant Foods to Human Physiology and Metabolism, including PCOS (7 min) by Dr. Candace Corson

Interstitial Cystitis and JP+  (8 min) Dr. Candace Corson, NMD

Intestinal Flora, Immune Sys, Heart Disease and the Role of What We Eat  (4 min) Dr. Candace Corson, NMD

Iodine (Mineral Salt): Very Low Levels in JP+ (link) by Andrew Weil, MD

Iron and JP+  (8 min) Dr. Candace Corson, NMD

Iron in Juice Plus+? (3 min) by Wendy Campbell, RN, NMD, 100 Club

Juice Plus+® A Lifetime Commitment (pdf) by Dr. Humbart Santillo

Juice Plus+® – Birth of Juice Plus+® by Dr. Humbart Santillo

Juice Plus+® – Cancer Center for Advancement in Cancer Education, JP+ Seal of Approval

Juice Plus+® Chewables Allergen Free (pdf) by Carlos Madero Ph.D.

Juice Plus+® Complete (28 min) by Dr. Carol Watson

Juice Plus+® Complete – Nutritionally Fit with Juice Plus+ Complete (webinar) by Dr. Jan Roberto

Juice Plus+® Complete Soy Information by The Juice Plus+® Company

Juice Plus+® Gluten Free Statement (pdf) by Carlos Madero Ph.D.

Juice Plus+® Grains – Why are Grains in JP+? (3 min) by Penny Maple, RN

Juice Plus+® is food and has a food label (pdf)

Juice Plus+® – Is it Organic? (pdf) by Carlos Madero Ph.D.

Juice Plus+® – Juice Plus+® Is Non GMO (pdf) by Carlos Madero Ph.D.

Juice Plus+® Kosher Certificate

Juice Plus+® – Macro Compared to Micro Nutrition and JP+ (5 min) by Dr. Carol Watson

Juice Plus+® – Masters in Health and Fitness Speaking on the NEED for JP+ (5 min) by Sherri Ann Bennett, NMD

Juice Plus+® – Medline Impact Score and Juice Plus+ (video) by Dr. Gerald Tulzer interviewed by Gordon Hester

Juice Plus+® – Myths: How and When to take JP+ (3 min) by Carlos Madero Ph. D. via Sherri Ann Bennett, NMD

Juice Plus+® – MD Anderson Study Comparing Eating Fruits and Vegetables to JP+ and Complete (5 min) by Dr. Matt Brown

Juice Plus+® – NAI Quality Control of JP+ Products    (9 min) by Dr. Carol Watson

Juice Plus+® – Negatives on JP+ or our industry? (7 min) by Wendy Campbell, RN, NMD, 100 Club

Juice Plus+® – Negativity about Juice Plus+® Answer (pdf) by Wendy Campbell, RN, NMD

Juice Plus+® NSF Certification and Document

Juice Plus+® NSF Certification for JP+ Complete? by Dr. Carlos Madero

Juice Plus+® – Nutripoint Scores of Juice Plus+® Chewables and Tower Garden (pdf) by Dr. Roy E. Vartabedian

Juice Plus+® – Phthalates in JP+ (jpeg)

Juice Plus+® – Power of the Purple Pill (31 min) by Dr. Carol Watson

Juice Plus+® – Pregnancy (4 min) by Dr. Mitra Ray

Juice Plus+® – Pregnancy Newsletter about Juice Plus+® (pdf) by The Juice Plus+® Company

Juice Plus+® – Probiotics in JP+ (1 min) by Dr. Carol Watson

Juice Plus+® Quality Control (pdf) by Carlos Madero Ph.D.

Juice Plus+ ® Research – Basic JP+ Research Overview by Wendy Campbell, RN, NMD, 100 Club
Part 1  (7 min)
Part 2 (10 min)
Part 3 (9 min)
Part 4(7 min)

Juice Plus+® Research Findings 2015 (pdf)

Juice Plus+® Safety and Quality (5 min) by Dr. Mitra Ray

Juice Plus+® – Soy in JP+ Complete (12 min) by Dr. Jan Roberto

Juice Plus+® – Soy is Non GMO in JP+ Complete by Liza Pepple

Juice Plus+® – Soy Protein in Juice Plus+ Complete® (pdf) by Dr. Mitra Ray

Juice Plus+® – Soy Safety – Juice Plus+® Complete (pdf) by Dr. David Phillips

Juice Plus+® – Sugar and JP+ (9 min) by Dr. Jan Roberto

Juice Plus+® – Transplant Patients (pdf) by Carlos Madero Ph.D

Juice Plus+® – Tube Feeding (pdf) by Dr. Candace Corson, NMD

Juice Plus+® – Berry Benefits by Dr. Santillo

Juice Plus+® – the Power of the Berry Blend (2 min) by Heather Wanke, RD

Juice Plus+® vs. Vitamin and Mineral Supplements (pdf) by Dr. Humbart Santillo

Juice Plus+® – Vitamins…Do I Still Need to Take Vitamins? (9 min) by Sharon Farrar, NMD

Juice Plus+® vs. Juice Festiv (4 min) by Leanne Harris, RT, NMD
Written Comparison (jpeg)

Kidney and Juice Plus+ (2 min) Dr. Candace Corson, NMD

Kidney Issues and Juice Plus+ (2 min) Dr. Carlos Madero, PhD (doc)

Kidney – Chronic Kidney Disease and the Alkali Effect with Fruits and Vegetables (5 min) by Wendy Campbell, RN, NMD, 100 Club

Kidney Stones and Juice Plus+ (5 min) Dr. Candace Corson, NMD

Kidney Stones and Juice Plus+ with Dr. George Knowles (2 min) and additional 10 seconds Dr. Candace Corson, NMD

Liver – Elevated Liver Enzymes/Detox (2 min) by Michala Petersen, Pharmacist, NMD

Lungs, Pulmonary Function and COPD (3 min) Dr. Candace Corson, NMD

Lyme Disease (8 min) Dr. Candace Corson, NMD

Lyme Disease (18 min) by StaciJoy Ellis, RN, NMD

Making of JP+ (51 min) by Liza Pebble

Maltodextrin in JP+ (link) by Dr. Mitra Ray and Dr. Carlos Madero, PhD

Mental Health and JP+ (1 min, video) by Marla Friedman, PhD

MERS COV (Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Corona Virus)(3 min) by Dr. John Saran

MD Anderson study (5 min) by Dr. Matt Brown

Microbiome Information – 2016 (ppt)

Migraine Headaches, Brain Health and JP+ (7 min) by Leanne Harris, RT(R), NMD

MS – Multiple Sclerosis and Other Neurological Conditions: A Guide to Specific JP+ Research Referencing    Inflammatory Markers (7 min) by Dr. John Saran

MS (Multiple Sclerosis) – MS Story with JP+ (2 min) by Jeanie Williams, RN, NMD

MTHFR – Folic Acid MTHFR Mutation Issues and JP+® (6 min) by Wendy Campbell, RN, NMD quoting Dr. Carlos Madero

MTHFR – Folic Acid MTHFR: Synopsis of Misinformation Through the Years and Mention of MTHFR Mutation Chatter (8 min) by Wendy Campbell, RN, NMD

MTHFR – Personal experience and teaching (7 min) by Leanne Harris, RT(R), NMD

Multiple Sclerosis Story (3 min) by Jeanie Williams, RN, NMD

Negatives on JP+ or our industry? (7 min) by Wendy Campbell, RN, NMD, 100 Club

Neuropathy and JP+ Research (1 min) by Laura Dorsey, MSPT, NMD

Is Juice Plus+® Non GMO? (pdf) by Carlos Madero Ph.D.

NSF Certification (video – 50 min) by PBS Frontline Supplements and Safety

Nurses and Nutrition (4 min) by Sarah Gheen, RN

Nutripoint Scores of Juice Plus+® Chewables and Tower Garden (pdf) by Dr. Roy E. Vartabedian

Nutrition – Basic Macro Nutrition by Wendy Campbell, NMD, 100 Club
Carbohydrates and Fiber: Basic Nutrients (5 min)
Fat: 1 of 4 Basic Nutrients (5 min)
Protein: 1 of 4 Basic Nutrients (6 min)

Nutrition – Optimal Nutrition: Pregnancy through High School – 2015 (60 min) by Dr. William Sears

Obese Premenopausal Women – British Journal of Nutrition Study  (7 min) by Dr. John Saran

Omega 3 and Omega 6 (7 min) by Dr. John Saran

ORAC Explanation (7 min) by Wendy Campbell, RN, NMD

ORAC Statement (pdf) by Dr. Richard Dubois

ORAC Statement (pdf) by The Juice Plus+ Company®

Is Juice Plus+® Organic? (pdf) by Carlos Madero Ph.D.

Is Juice Plus+® Organic? How to Respond (3 min) by Amy Goetz, NMD

Osteoarthritis and JP+ (6 min) by Wendy Campbell, RN, NMD, 100 Club

Oxalates: How does Juice Plus+ fit with a low oxalate diet? (kidney stones)
Low Oxalate Diet May Help Prevent Kidney Stones by UPMC
Oxalates, Kidney Stones and Juice Plus+® (4 min) by Wendy Campbell, RN, NMD

Pain and Inflammation (5 min) by Laura Dorsey, MSPT, NMD

Pain, Injury and JP+ (4 min) by Laura Dorsey, MSPT, NMD

Parkinsons Disease and JP+ (11 min) Dr. Candace Corson, NMD

Phthalates in Juice Plus+® (jpeg)

Physician Burn-Out (5 min) by Dr. Matt Brown

Phytochemicals – Generic Overview (6 min) by Wendy Campbell, RN, NMD, 100 Club

Poly Cystic Ovary Disease (3 min) Dr. Candace Corson, NMD

POTS Info (link)

POTS Info and JP+ by Dr. Candace Corson
Part 1 (3 min)
Part 2 (1 min)
Part 3 (3 min)

Pregnancy and JP+ (24 min) by Dr. Doug Odom

Pregnancy and Juice Plus+® (4 min) by Dr. Mitra Ray

Pregnancy – Optimal Nutrition: Pregnancy through High School – 2015 (60 min) by Dr. William Sears

Probiotics in JP+ (1 min) by Dr. Carol Watson, ND, NMD

Research Borrowed vs. Original (pdf) by Dr. Humbart Santillo

Research – “Digging into the Science: Our Confidence in Gold Standard Research” (44 min)
by Debbi Walton NMD and Leanne Harris NMD

Research, P values, Medline Impact Score and Juice Plus+ by Dr. Gerald Tulzer interviewed by Gordon Hester (video, 7 min)

Rheumatoid Arthritis and JP+ Immune System Study (3 min) by Wendy Campbell, RN, NMD, 100 Club

SIBO – Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth (10 min) by Wendy Campbell, RN, NMD

Skin (6 min) by Wendy Campbell, RN, NMD, 100 Club

Smokers Study: Journal of the American College of Nutrition 2013 by Dr. John Saran
Part 1 (5 min)
Part 2 – Inflammation Reduction and Relation to Neuro, Cardio and Pulmonary Function (3 min) (Molecular Food Research Journal 2010)

So You Want to Know How JP+ is Made? (36 min) by John Blair (Sept 2013)

Soy and Cancer (pdf) by Dr. Mitra Ray

Soy and Goitrogens by Dr. Carol Watson, ND, NMD

Soy in JP+ Complete (12 min) by Dr. Jan Roberto, NMD

Soy is Non GMO in JP+ Complete by Liza Pepple

Soy Meta Analysis Soy and Breast Cancer (pdf)

Soy Myths and Facts (6 min) by Wendy Campbell, RN, NMD, 100 Club

Soy Protein in Juice Plus+ Complete® (pdf) by Dr. Mitra Ray

Soy Safety – Juice Plus+® Complete (pdf) by Dr. David Phillips

Stress (pdf) by Dr. Mike Ewald, NMD

Stress – Make Stress Your Friend (7 min) by Dr. Carol Watson

Sugar and JP+ (9 min) by Dr. Jan Roberto, NMD

Surgery and JP+ (3 min) by Laura Dorsey, MSPT, NMD

Surgery and JP+ (2 min) by Dr. Tanja Jackson

Surgery and JP+ – Healing and Repair (3 min) by Cheree Albert, RN, Nurse Practitioner

Surgery and Juice Plus+® (5 min) by Dr. John Saran

Surgery, Pre and Post and JP+ (6 min) by Dr. John Saran

Thyroid and Juice Plus+® (5 min) by Dr. John Saran

Thyroid and Juice Plus+ by Dr. Carol Watson, ND, NMD

Thyroid, Cruciferous Vegetables Do Not Harm Thyroid (pdf)

Thyroid, Hashimoto’s Disease (Autoimmune, Effects Thyroid) (3 min) by Laura Dorsey, MSPT, NMD

Toxins in the Environment and the Need for Fruits and Vegetables (5 min) by Dr. Matt Brown

Tube Feeding (5 min) by Wendy Campbell, RN, NMD, 100 Club

Tube Feeding and Juice Plus+ (pdf) by Dr. Candace Corson, NMD

Tube Feedings – Doctors Orders (7 min) by Wendy Campbell, RN, NMD, 100 Club

Vitamin A and Beta Carotene (4 min) by Dr. Mitra Ray

Vitamin A and the Food Label (7 min) by Dr. George Knowles

Vitamins and Calcium Controversy vs. Whole Food Nutrition (6 min) by Dr. Carol Watson

Vitamins – Huge Controversy Over Isolated, Megadoses of Vitamins and Minerals Overviewed (8 min) Dr. Candace Corson, NMD

Vitamins (Centrum) and Heart Disease (5 min) by Dr. John Saran

Vitamin Controversy – “Annals of Internal Medicine” Dec 2013 Overview of Vitamin Controversy (8 min) by Dr. John Saran

What’s the PLUS in JP+ (32 min) by Dr. Carol Watson, NMD

Whole-Food Nutrition – includes Healthy Living Revolution culture and SHRED10 (42 min, video)
by Dr. Candace Corson

Wound Healing (10 min) by Dr. Candace Corson, NMD

Wound Healing and the JP+ Research Support (5 min) by Dr. John Saran

Health Articles