You can invite to Facebook Events that others create, but hosting them yourself is much more powerful. You can offer a Business Launch Event for every new partner who joins your team and ask customers and friends to host a party for you.
First decide if this will be a Facebook-only event or a Live Facebook Call (using both Facebook and a Conference Call). If the latter, here is a useful Guide.
Frequently Asked Questions to learn how to invite, respond to invitations and more.
Post My Party Automated Posting
This app enables you to create entire parties one time as a template and easily schedule them with a few clicks of the mouse. Full details are HERE.
Naming the Party
If this party is for one specific person (partner, friend or customer) the title of the party should include their name; eg. Felicia’s Healthy Living Facebook Party.
Scripts and Images (in Dropbox)
When you are ready for your own Facebook Party, copy these images and scripts to your computer. Study and use them, then build your own (in Post My Party, if you wish). You will find all the scripts and images HERE.
Share Your Story in the Party using Flipagram or Zoom
You can make a simple, short video with audio to share your story. Flipagram instructions are HERE. You can also record yourself using Zoom, or on your smartphone.
Hints & Tips (in addition to these FAQs)
1. Personalize the party… make it your own! You do not have to use these scripts exactly!
2. Commit to inviting 20+ people to each Facebook party PERSONALLY. This means FB messaging them, texting them, emailing them, calling them… whatever it takes.
3. If you host the party YOURSELF, your friends will be more likely to attend.
4. Keep party posts within the party… if you start sharing all of your “goodies” on your Public Facebook wall, why would anyone be compelled to attend the full Facebook event? Mystery, people… it’s good for business.
5. When you invite people, be sure to paste the FB Party event LINK in the message/text… it makes it easier to find.
6. Make your event “Private”; Public could turn into a mess… (i.e. Your party could get hijacked).
7. Create a Practice Party for inexperienced partners to learn how to post and pin, during the week leading up to the Party. Do this even if you are using Post My Party.
8. When posting a video link (live in real time, as opposed to using Post My Party): once the preview has loaded, delete the link, then POST. Wait 1 minute after the end of the video before posting the next one. Otherwise keep the party moving at a good pace.
9. Tablet (eg iPad) users should attend the party in their browser (eg. Safari) rather than the Facebook app. They will have a much better experience!
10. Read our PROTIPS here.
Partners Responsibilities (very important so please study this!)
Each Party is put on by a Team (unless you are using Post My Party):
Poster(s) – 1 or 2 partners who do the posting, control the timing; in general, they are in charge.
Moderators – 1 or 2 partners who answer questions and patrol the event identifying and resolving any issues.
Commenters – 2 or 3 partners who comment (as if they were guests) to the first few posts, until real guests have started commenting (usually after 20 minutes or so). This guide will help you be a champion commenter!
Partner Attendees – partners attending the event must do so as GUESTS, not as partners. Please follow these guidelines:
1. Answer questions from the perspective of a guest.*
2. Answer questions from the main posts with no additional comments and no stories.
3. Don’t add new posts to the event.
4. If a guest asks a question, allow the official moderator(s) to answer.
5. Don’t add any comments after the event is finished (this messes up the sequence once it’s been tidied up.)
* The exception is when the question encourages CUSTOMERS to share their Juice Plus+ experience, or in
a Business Party if the host asks for comments from partners.