Build Your Customer Base


The Memory Jogger is the #1 tool for every Juice Plus+ Partner, whether you are Newbie or NMD. At its simplest, the Memory Jogger is an Invitation List – the names of those you will invite to look at Juice Plus+ – but as you build your business you will discover it is much more. This could be your Facebook friend list, and/or your Twitter or Instagram followers. It will certainly be everyone in your email address book.

Continue adding to your list, on the “Memory Jogger“, as you meet people in your life!


Starting the Conversation is often the hardest. Just share about our healthy living community and JP+ as you live life at work, the gym, parties, etc. and as you post on social media.   Ask questions of people to strike up conversations, such as: “You seem like someone who has an interest in health and nutrition?”.  Be ready with what you will say if an opportunity arises for you to share.  Lean on your sponsor and mentors to help you answer questions.

You may find the simplest and easiest way to reach out to your friends and family is by texting or messaging them. Pick 10 people from your Memory Jogger you would like to share Juice Plus+ with – your ‘inner circle’ – people you would love to benefit just as you and your family are benefitting. Then follow this guidance on Sharing by Texting.

This is the simplest and easiest way to invite someone to take a look at Juice Plus+ and/or your business: “If I … would you?” is one of the most powerful invitations you can make. “If I sent you a link to a short video, would you watch it and let me know what you liked best about it?”


The Fortune is in the Follow-up – it’s true!  Always follow-up within 48 hours and continue to follow-up until you are able to ask if they are ready to get started on JP+.  You may follow-up with a prospect several times initially, or even over the course of a year until they say yes! Be patient with people!


You can set up a Vendor Table at a tradeshow, health fair, gym etc.

If you have a busy professional like a doctor in your life you can consider the Wellness Plus+ program.

Our is a Global Business. Juice Plus+ is sold in over 20 countries around the world and you can have customers in all of them!


What do you do and say when (after watching a video and hearing your story), they agree to try Juice Plus+? Watch our dear friend Curt Beavers explain how he provides 3 “doors” people can choose to enter the Juice Plus+ Customer World: