Wellness Presentations

[…] Partners to your team train Partners show people there’s more to the JP+ experience than you and the tools (the bigger picture) All successful teams in the world of Juice Plus+ are using WPs to great effect. The key is to keep the approach simple, fun and duplicatable. Aim for 45 minutes, so there’s plenty of time for […]

Video Emails

We are all so busy! One of our greatest challenges is getting someone’s attention long enough for them to want more information. Video technology (TV, Internet, DVD, etc.) is now commonplace and most of us are wired to need video ‘stimulation’ to help us pay attention; just ask teachers! So, when you first launch […]

Facebook Friends Favor

[…] to do 100% follow-up (quality and quantity); that’s where the results are. POST #1 (Facebook status and/as a private message to selected friends) Here are a couple of examples: post this as your Facebook status; you should also private message selected friends – those you most want on your Team, customers and/or close friends […]