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Life Planning IV

As we get closer to year end, I hope your thoughts are turning more and more to 2008. I also hope that you are starting to believe that you can Plan your Life. The end product of your work will be the clearest vision, the most solid foundation and the most prioritized Action Plan/Goals you have ever had for living your life; this will lead to your best year ever - if you do the work I am recommending.

Please watch this fabulous video (thank you Sandy Guest!) ... it will prepare your heart for the work you are doing:

So far we've taken the first 2 Steps in our Life Planning journey:

1. Assessing where I am in life today.

2. Determining what’s important to me.

• Which 7 or 8 areas of your life did you decide are the most important to you?

__________________                             Life Account Examples

__________________                   Spiritual                           Spouse

__________________                   Children                           Family

__________________                   Finance                            Career/Business

__________________                   Self Development             Health

__________________                   Friends                             Vacation

__________________                   Fun                                   Charity/Service

__________________                   Adventure                         Hobby

__________________                   Church                              My Dream  

• What does each one look like 5, 10 or 20 years from now?

Step 3

After clarifying your vision using the attached form for each of these Life Accounts, now complete the Purpose section at the bottom, for each one - why they are so important to you. Your vision should clarify your purpose for each.

Attached is an example of one of my Life Accounts; just FYI.

Life Planning V

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