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Life Planning VII

Before we continue with Life Planning, I want to share with you some wise words from a dear friend in England, hoping they make you think, as they did us.

Well, Christmas Day is over and another year is about to start. In the past this was a time when I would sit and think about the previous 12 months, add up the points so to speak. You know, how many times did I really mean what I said, how many times did I really support someone when I promised I would? Was I as nice as I could be, did I help anyone? The lists were endless but the outcome was unsatisfying the same. NO - I could have done better. Reads like an old school report.

Oh! I think I made the odd difference now and then. Of course I didn't build any wells to provide much needed water to the poorer countries of the world. I didn't send money to save a child's sight or help end suffering in any other way. I did make a small donation to a cat charity. But that seemed achievable. Wells, however much they are needed, seemed a long way off. Politics seem to get in the way. Seems no matter how much money is sent to the developing world it's never enough. Another disaster is always waiting around the corner.

So this year end I have decided not to look back in anger or even in accusing tones but to look forward...

Does it do any good to keep looking back? In some ways yes, because where we have come from tells us who we are. But what a difference one turn can make? One break in the pattern? One well? One child with sight?

So, whilst I want to look forward I have to make sure that when looking back at the end of 2008, I remember what I wanted at the end of 2007.  Because things only seem impossible until you take one turn, one step.

God bless you all and every good wish for 2008,


Hmmm...! What do you think?

Our Life Planning journey has taken us through these 5 steps:

1. An assessment of where you are in life today. You've taken stock, honestly and thoroughly, of your past and your present.

2. Clarity on what’s important to youYou've defined a series of Life Accounts for this season of your life, with a clear Vision for each.

3. A purpose statement for each Life AccountYou've clearly defined why each is important to you.

4. A plan for investment in each Life Account.  You've planned what will you do daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly or annually to increase your net worth in each Life Account.

5. Appointments you've set with yourself to follow through with the strategies you developed for each Life Account.

Now for the final steps:

Step 6: Design your 'perfect week'. Start plugging in some 'non-negotiables' from your most important Life Accounts. These are those actions and strategies that you refuse to compromise on, because of their importance in your life. Drop them into a model week in your planner/calendar, then add the 'other stuff' that has to be there; if something doesn't fit, then it has to move or be removed. Now you have your perfect week.

This 'perfect week' begins to dictate how you make decisions each day about your priorities, your schedule and new opportunities that crop up. Now you will be able to assess something new, and if it fits in one of your most important Life Account strategies and doesn't require something equally or more important to slide, then you can say "yes" and add it to your 'perfect week'.

Step 7:  Live the journey. Read your Life Plan weekly to assess your balance. We suggest Sunday evening or Monday morning.

Step 8: Stay on course. Find a coach or partner who will hold you accountable in these areas of your life, so that you can reach the goals you have set for yourself.

Life Planning VIII

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