New Partner Welcome Emails

When you enter an application online to sponsor your new team member, this will generate a welcome email below. Your new partner must click on “Complete My Registration”. They first agree to the terms and conditions of the business. Then the system will ask for payment information in order to process the application fee. Here … Continue reading

Follow-up – it’s where the Fortune is!

“The Fortune is in the Follow-up”! You will hear this often, and it so true. Follow-up can be one of the most underrated and underperformed parts of our Virtual Franchise, but if you embrace it and learn to love it, Follow-up will make you a Fortune! Watch this video to learn the power and practice … Continue reading

Website Banner Ads

Do you have your own personal or professional website? If so, you may use any of the images posted at Juice PLUS+ Insights (scroll to the bottom) to link back from that site to your personal website. Use of any Social Media Shareables & Website Banners the Juice Plus+ Partner agrees to adhere to … Continue reading

Robert Kiyosaki’s Business School

Direct Sales – It’s an Asset, Not a Job by Robert Kiyosaki I am sometimes asked “Why do so few people make it to the top of their direct selling system?” The truth is, the top of the direct selling/network marketing system is open to everyone — unlike traditional corporate systems, which allow only one person to reach … Continue reading

Engage Your Customer

As you get to Know Your Customer, it’s so important to engage them, to draw them into both the Juice Plus+ Experience and our Juice Plus+ Culture and Community. Your main goals are: to help them develop the  “Juice Plus+ Habit” – only that way will they see the results they deserve and that we … Continue reading

Create a JP+ Raving Fan

Your goal is to have Raving Fan customers who share their Juice Plus+ Experience with others – in person, in our Facebook customer group and on their own Facebook pages. Prompt them to share their results, with family, with friends, on social media! Ravings Fans result from great Customer Care that ensures a really positive Juice … Continue reading

Sharing by Texting

“If I … would you?” is one of the most powerful invitations you can make. “If I sent you a link to a short video, would you watch it and let me know what you liked best about it?” This is THE simplest and easiest way to invite someone to take a look at Juice … Continue reading

Mastering the Art of Goal Setting

Do you find this an exciting subject or boring? If you read all that I’ve written here, I expect you to be as excited as I am! What Goals do I have? Well, I have 17 goals for 3+ years out, 12 for 6 months out, and 6 for next month; oh, and I’m working … Continue reading

Kosher Certification

Below are the Kosher certificate for each Juice Plus+ product (pdf). Trio Omega Chewables Complete Complete Bars