Video Emails

[…] when you first launch your Juice Plus+ business or first introduce Juice Plus+ to someone. it makes sense to include a video in your Introductory Email. Video Postcards We can also text our ‘Come Join Us’ Videos right from your phone or computer. In addition, as you continue to educate your prospect, you can: 1. […]

Wellness Presentations

[…] to keep the approach simple, fun and duplicatable. Aim for 45 minutes, so there’s plenty of time for discussion and to get attendees signed up. Get as many as possible of the guests to interact and contribute; when they are involved they will be more receptive to the message. Youtube Videos and Discussion (‘Smoothie and Movie’) This is the […]

Customer Care

Customers are the heartbeat and the life-blood of our business. Above all else, we as partners with the Juice Plus+ Company must go above and beyond to ensure that our customers have an incredible experience with our products and community. Through exquisite customer care you will not only deepen their belief in Juice Plus+, but … Continue reading

Go Pro: Becoming a Juice Plus+ Professional

[…] must “Say less to more”” but that means we must say MUCH less to WAY MORE people! They are amateurs in their thinking, focusing on luck, timing, positioning, shortcuts, gimmicks, etc. Level 3 PROFESSIONAL INSPIRERS are committed to building a team and help others become leaders building their own teams with their own leaders. To Go Pro, […]

Memory Jogger

[…] business, and develop a next step plan of action with every name on your list. Get started on Team Building – learn how to design it, build it, and care for it. Finally, go to work with your Invitation List to fill your Pipeline and start meeting your Goals. Also, don’t forget the power of  3-Way Calls. The Traffic Light System

Engage Your Customer

[…] FB, VOXER Add them to our Customer Facebook Group Engage in the Group by Liking and Commenting Welcome them into the Group Engage in the Group by Posting Encourage Customers to engage Add them to Customer Email List Turn on your Email Notifications on Facebook Receive emails of Customer FB Group posts Forward the […]

Promoting Events

[…] they can also take place in restaurants (private room), offices, club houses, doctor’s offices, etc. Combining forces with another Partner can bring more people out. The local police station or fire station may have a Community Room they will let you use free. A local health care professional may be willing to speak on […]

Customer/Friend Hosted Facebook Parties

[…] the video below! Friends and Raving Fan Customers will be very happy to invite their friends to a Facebook Party that you host. You do all the posting, but they invite their friends (see guidelines below). 20-30 guests are perfect in this kind of party. Even the posting is easy with Post My Party! […]

How to Invite to Facebook Parties

[…] Facebook party (no house cleaning involved) for me to jumpstart my business and help people get healthier! Would you be open to doing that for me? It’s super simple. I do all the work, all you have to do is invite! Plus, there will be a great host reward for you as well, like yummy […]

Share Your Story

[…] prepared when a conversation opens the door to introduce Juice Plus+. Your primary goal in your Virtual Franchise, every day, is to share your story as often as possible to open the door to Sharing Juice Plus+. Your Story needs to be clear and compelling, sparking the listener’s imagination, to see themselves in the story. Creating your […]