Customer Care

Customers are the heartbeat and the life-blood of our business. Above all else, we as partners with the Juice Plus+ Company must go above and beyond to ensure that our customers have an incredible experience with our products and community. Through exquisite customer care you will not only deepen their belief in Juice Plus+, but … Continue reading

Your Belief

After all these years (since 1993!) our belief system is as strong as our immune system – rock solid. But when you are just starting out, it’s nowhere near that strong. Belief in Juice Plus+ Here are some things that are guaranteed to build your belief in Juice Plus+. 1. Take Juice Plus+ products consistently. … Continue reading

Video Emails

We are all so busy! One of our greatest challenges is getting someone’s attention long enough for them to want more information. Video technology (TV, Internet, DVD, etc.) is now commonplace and most of us are wired to need video ‘stimulation’ to help us pay attention; just ask teachers! So, when you first launch your … Continue reading

Trade Shows

EXPOS, HEALTH FAIRS & TRADE SHOWS Exhibiting Juice Plus+ at a Health Fair, Show or Expo is not the main way to build this business, but for the right person they can be very useful. So, Trade Shows are NOT for Everyone, but… Elizabeth Tasis found this business at a trade show many years ago. … Continue reading

Follow-up – it’s where the Fortune is!

“The Fortune is in the Follow-up”! You will hear this often, and it so true. Follow-up can be one of the most underrated and underperformed parts of our Virtual Franchise, but if you embrace it and learn to love it, Follow-up will make you a Fortune! Watch this video to learn the power and practice … Continue reading

Social Media Training

Using Social Media to Connect Authentically by Kim McColl, NMD Listen to this audio training (click here) and scroll through the images below  Social Media Guidelines   –   Facebook Basics

Create a JP+ Raving Fan

Your goal is to have Raving Fan customers who share their Juice Plus+ Experience with others – in person, in our Facebook customer group and on their own Facebook pages. Prompt them to share their results, with family, with friends, on social media! Ravings Fans result from great Customer Care that ensures a really positive Juice … Continue reading

Go Pro: Becoming a Juice Plus+ Professional

This may be the most important book we know for those wanting real success with Juice Plus+. We are generally not impressed with books on networking, mainly because what’s written is either tired and filled with old-school network marketing ideas, and/or it’s just not relevant to our Juice Plus+ Virtual Franchise. Within the first few pages of Go … Continue reading

Welcome Email

Below is the email we send to every new customer. By all means use your own words, but be sure to welcome your customer with something like this. You can also leave out the graph if you prefer (to shorten and simplify it). To copy and paste this into your email: position your mouse pointer … Continue reading

The Art and Science of the Drip

Technology x Persistence = Success Corporate’s follow-up emails are a good example of an effective “Drip” system; one part of the follow-up needed to keep a Preferred Customer. Follow-up is a key success factor at every stage in this business, even before you have a customer. When you hear “No” it usually means “Not yet”.  The … Continue reading