The #1 reason people say Yes (to what you are offering) is because you ask them!
One of the most important skills to build is this: How to help your Prospects Become Customers or Reps. Listen to Dr. Carol Watson‘s training on this.
Questions You Ask While Building Your Virtual Franchise
Asking the right questions at the right time, listening to the answer and responding appropriately to what you have heard are probably the most important skills to learn for success in life and in business. Too few of us have these skills, but they’re not hard to develop; only a desire and practice are needed.
Work on Listening and Questioning your Way to Success – you’ll be glad you did!
High Yielding Questions
All questions are not equal; we want to ask questions that are powerful, effective and
that contribute to a win-win conversation. Here are ‘high yielding’ questions you can use. Watch the video below and in 30 minutes you will learn a communication approach that will absolutely be the difference between success and failure!
Asking Someone to Look at Juice Plus+
We call this the Invitation – it’s how we introduce Juice Plus+ to others. With those on your
Invitation List, and as you are out there ‘doing life’, every day Invite people to take a look at Juice Plus+ and (for some of them) at what you are doing.
Asking Someone To Try/Buy Juice Plus+
People say to me, “I am out doing life and I’m meeting people. I am sharing my Juice Plus+ story, yet I just don’t seem to be getting anywhere. Do you have any suggestions?”
When I say to them, “Have you asked them to try/buy Juice Plus+?” I quite often get a blank stare. “Ask? You mean I should ask?”
Yes, this is a very important part of doing business, and many people have missed out because they just didn’t ask. We learned this over 20 years ago:
As you now know, the #1 reason people buy is because they were asked to buy.
In response we sometimes hear: “But what if they say no?” So what? The odds in any business are that you will have as many no’s as yes’s. Just consider the no’s practice on your way to a yes.
“Go for No! Yes is the Destination, No is How You Get There“ is the title of an excellent book that will change your whole mindset about the word ‘no’. You will need intestinal fortitude to take on the challenge, but
it will change everything if you do!
Please understand that ‘no’ doesn’t mean the end of the world or the end of your business, it just means at this moment they are not ready; it means “not yet”.
Ask yourself this: “How many Juice Plus+ customers will you get if you don’t ask?” Not asking is the same as not sharing Juice Plus+ at all.
That’s why sometimes they will become someone else’s customer – because they asked and you didn’t.
Sometimes it means you just haven’t shown them how Juice Plus+ will meet their need; perhaps even you don’t know how. Make it all about them, understand why they need Juice Plus+, then – once it’s clear – ask them to “try it for 4 months to see what it will do for you.”
Learning to Listen may well be the key to having the confidence to ask, because you will know their why – their need.
Sadly, the reality is that many people have a sales phobia and would rather socialize at a networking event and hope someone will come up and buy their product. And believe it or not, after you’ve told your story, they may think “yes Juice Plus+ is a good product, but you are apparently just showing me today and don’t expect or want me to actually buy it”!
And there you are, wanting them to ask: “how do I get it?” But most won’t!
Why are we this way? Many of us have had the “Ask Ability” knocked out of us as children; we have a problem asking anyone for anything, including God. That’s where the Prayer of Jabez fits (above).
When you have as valuable a product as Juice Plus+ that improves people’s lives, and you are proud to represent that product, consider it your obligation to let them know, not only that Juice Plus+ exists, but that YOU are their ‘go-to guy/gal’ for Juice Plus+, now and forever!
Just remember, it’s your job to ask and it’s ok if they say ‘no’; most of those no’s will come back later and say ‘yes’. Yes is the Destination, No is How You Get There.
Ask… Seek… Knock… Ask… Now: smile, say “next”, and go on to the person who is just waiting for you to ask.