Why is Juice Plus+ not sold in Stores or Shops?

The Juice Plus+ Virtual Franchise is a hybrid business model, taking the best (and rejecting the worst) of several other ways of doing business. Jay Martin’s article explains it best. It’s a common question, so let’s answer it in the context of the direct sales industry, with which we have much in common: “Why are … Continue reading

Promotions, Bonuses and Rewards

Scroll down for Definitions, information on Restarts, “Slow Track” and explanation of Title Rewards. Definitions Working LineA line is each independent segment of your downline. Each line begins with an Independent Representative you personally sponsor (Frontline) and represents a new and separate “line” in your organization. Commission QualifiedTo qualify to earn a Commission in a given month … Continue reading

NMD in FOUR MONTHS?! In Canada? By a MAN?! YES!

Dave Sanderson made National Marketing Director in 4 months; he is duplicating and far from being done. Here is Dave, explaining to Dr. Mitra Ray  how he achieved this. Here are Dave’s slides from a recent training (the numbers are Canadian!) Listen in particular to his DMO and focus on Customer Care.  Dave’s approach is TOTALLY duplicatable for … Continue reading