The Birth of Juice Plus+

by Dr. Humbart Santillo Before I tell you about the research behind Juice Plus+®, I’d like to tell you the personal story that led to the development of this whole-food product. When we’re experiencing a trauma or other significant event, we don’t always fully understand it until it has passed, and then we realize that it has changed our lives for the … Continue reading

Sharing by Texting

“If I … would you?” is one of the most powerful invitations you can make. “If I sent you a link to a short video, would you watch it and let me know what you liked best about it?” This is THE simplest and easiest way to invite someone to take a look at Juice … Continue reading

Online Videos here is a presentation comprising short video clips (all from youtube), plus a few longer videos. Product Videos Business Videos a short presentation of Spanish videos. our business prospecting website. The Next Best Thing 9 Simple Steps to a Healthier Family (Dr. Bill Sears) 9 Simple Steps to Prime Time Health (Dr. Bill Sears) Health Care professionals … Continue reading

Make Your Life a Masterpiece

This is the title of an audio presentation by Tommy Newberry that has the power to change your life for ever. Tommy is the best-selling author of, among others, The 4:8 Principle and Success is Not an Accident: Secrets of the Top 1%. He also is the founder of the 1% Club – those he … Continue reading

UK Phenomenon

Most of you have heard the rumblings of all the excitement going on in the UK over the last couple of years,… new orders climbing to over 30,000 per month (from 1,000 per month), recruiting up to approx 2,500 new Reps per month (from 100 per month), record setting promotions left and right, etc. At … Continue reading

Sales Coordinator

Congratulations! You have reached the top commission level in our Business Model and are now earning the full 15% commission. Moving forward as you promote team members to the same SC position, you can qualify for your Promote Out Bonus. Your Next Step is the Leadership Track! Your next major Goal is Qualifying Senior Sales … Continue reading

Senior Sales Coordinator

Congratulations! You have reached another important milestone: the first level of Executive Leadership. Now, in addition to other benefits, you will receive a Business Incentive Bonus (an extra 10% on your check) and a Holiday Bonus. Your Next Step: Your next major Goal is, of course, Qualifying National Marketing Director (QNMD). Let Julie Herbst remind you about the Leadership Track: … Continue reading

NSF Certified

Juice Plus+ Fruit and Vegetable Blend capsules and chewables, Juice Plus+ Berry Blend capsules and chewables and Juice Plus+ Complete drink mix have earned the product quality seal of  approval from NSF International, the Public Health and Safety Company. Here is the Juice Plus+ page at the NSF website. NSF is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to product and ingredient safety. They provide … Continue reading

Follow-up – it’s where the Fortune is!

“The Fortune is in the Follow-up”! You will hear this often, and it so true. Follow-up can be one of the most underrated and underperformed parts of our Virtual Franchise, but if you embrace it and learn to love it, Follow-up will make you a Fortune! Watch this video to learn the power and practice … Continue reading