Senior Sales Coordinator

Congratulations! You have reached another important milestone: the first level of Executive Leadership. Now, in addition to other benefits, you will receive a Business Incentive Bonus (an extra 10% on your check) and a Holiday Bonus. Your Next Step: Your next major Goal is, of course, Qualifying National Marketing Director (QNMD). Let Julie Herbst remind you about the Leadership Track: … Continue reading

NSF Certified

Juice Plus+ Fruit and Vegetable Blend capsules and chewables, Juice Plus+ Berry Blend capsules and chewables and Juice Plus+ Complete drink mix have earned the product quality seal of  approval from NSF International, the Public Health and Safety Company. Here is the Juice Plus+ page at the NSF website. NSF is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to product and ingredient safety. They provide … Continue reading

Follow-up – it’s where the Fortune is!

“The Fortune is in the Follow-up”! You will hear this often, and it so true. Follow-up can be one of the most underrated and underperformed parts of our Virtual Franchise, but if you embrace it and learn to love it, Follow-up will make you a Fortune! Watch this video to learn the power and practice … Continue reading

Facebook Party Follow-up

Plan ahead; during the party watch for comments by your guests – they will tell you what interests them. Be ready: immediately after the party follow up. How to download the list of event attendees (click here) At the end of the event the those who invited guests should tag each guest in the website ordering post or … Continue reading

Welcome Email

Below is the email we send to every new customer. By all means use your own words, but be sure to welcome your customer with something like this. You can also leave out the graph if you prefer (to shorten and simplify it). To copy and paste this into your email: position your mouse pointer … Continue reading

Family Health Study (Healthy Starts)

Funded by the Juice Plus+ Foundation and contributions from Juice Plus+ Partners who receive income from customer purchases, the Juice Plus+ Family Health Study (part of Healthy Starts) is one of our greatest tools and the best way to make a difference by gifting the next generation with great health. Be sure to familiarize yourself … Continue reading

Facebook Basics

Facebook is the most popular social networking site on the internet and one of the top five all internet sites accessed worldwide. So, learn to make “facebooking” part of your regular social interactions, if you seriously want to grow. Instead of asking for someone’s business card, ask “can we connect on Facebook?” Facebook is more than … Continue reading

Promoting Events

In our Virtual Franchise Events are our most important tool. Learn to introduce Juice Plus+ to your friends and family, you will make excellent part-time income. Learn to sponsor and train a nucleus of committed people, you will make a better than average living. Learn how to promote events and teach others to do the … Continue reading

5 Elements of Powerful Stories

by  Matt Ragland When I was in college, I cared about what people thought of me. Too much. It affected how I dressed, spoke, ate, exercised, and what classes I took. I rearranged my life to make others happy, and went with the ebbs and flows of their opinions. I didn’t serve my true self, or the … Continue reading