Facebook Party Follow-up

Plan ahead; during the party watch for comments by your guests – they will tell you what interests them. Be ready: immediately after the party follow up. How to download the list of event attendees (click here) At the end of the event the those who invited guests should tag each guest in the website ordering post or … Continue reading


HOW TO KEEP THE VISION BEFORE YOU by Carol Watson, RN, ND, NMD One of the main challenges in starting a new business is preparing for the initial startup when everything seems to be going out and little is coming in, but the rejections seem to be in great supply.  I am here to reassure you that “what … Continue reading

Qualifying Sales Coordinator with a Qualified Business

Congratulations! You have reached an important milestone: a Qualified Business. You are now able to earn the important 3% performance bonus, in addition to commissions and retail profit. Over time this little 3% will grow into the most significant contributor to your monthly check. You are also eligible to receive leads from the company! Your … Continue reading

Prevention Plus+ Seminars

There is no more effective or impressive way to build belief in yourself and your prospects and customers than to bring someone to a seminar where they here from a health expert. In most areas of the country, local Juice Plus+ Reps band together to organize these events. You can search for a Prevention Plus+ in your area … Continue reading

Fear of Success

Fear of success can be just as paralyzing as Fear of Failure. Many people fear success because it tests their limits and makes them vulnerable to new situations. Even worse, success can expose weaknesses and force people to deal with their flaws. Success is scary because it involves change. Success can be intimidating and hard … Continue reading

JP Live! Fall Conference & Spring Leadership Event

Leadership Conferences are held in the Fall plus a Spring Leadership Event for QSSC’S and above. In addition to new information and world-class speakers, you will have the opportunity to network and interact with thousands of successful Juice Plus+ Partners.  Register here: juiceplusliveapp.com. Attended Conference and wondering what next? Here you go! Future Dates 2024 2025 … Continue reading

Compensation Plan

Note: some of  the numbers in the video below have changed slightly; however, this will give you a good idea of the power of our Compensation Plan. In the Juice Plus+ Compensation Plan “POB” = Promote Out Bonus for all Sales Coordinators and above. Compensation Plan Phase 1 ………………. Compensation Plan Phase 2

Website Banner Ads

Do you have your own personal or professional website? If so, you may use any of the images posted at Juice PLUS+ Insights (scroll to the bottom) to link back from that site to your personal juiceplus.com website. Use of any Social Media Shareables & Website Banners the Juice Plus+ Partner agrees to adhere to … Continue reading

VOXER: 21st Century JP+ Communication

Get VOXER on your mobile phone! Download the free app (below), add your photo, then add me as a contact (username mickdaly or email mick@dalys.com) and send me a message or text me (using Voxer). I will then add you to our Team Voxer Chat. Listen to Curt Beavers’ message. Here’s “Getting Started with Voxer on your iPhone“. … Continue reading

Is Juice Plus+ Organic?

The fruits and vegetables from which Juice Plus+ is made are grown in a variety of locations best suited in soil and climate to each particular fruit or vegetable. Juice Plus+ makes every effort to source and use the highest quality, vine-ripened fruits and vegetables available. Organic ingredients are used whenever possible. Having been several times to the facility … Continue reading