
Our GOAL is to help you make each and every month your best month ever! This program reduces coaching to answering three simple questions each month and having a friend hold you accountable to achieving the goals you set. EVERYONE CAN DO THAT – both the coachee and the coach. So within a few months … Continue reading

Jim Rohn’s One Year Success Plan

Years ago, on our journey to National Marketing Director, we followed the teaching of  the late, great Jim Rohn  (RIP); we can attribute much of our personal growth to his wisdom, and he contributed more than any other single person to our success. His audio trainings were almost like having him in our own living room … Continue reading

Build Your Team

You can make some extra income by building a customer base ($500/month). To make more significant money you need to build a Team. The bigger your Team (and the more customers they are getting), the bigger your check. Your check is a measure of the difference you are making – helping people achieve great health and … Continue reading

Your Belief

After all these years (since 1993!) our belief system is as strong as our immune system – rock solid. But when you are just starting out, it’s nowhere near that strong. Belief in Juice Plus+ Here are some things that are guaranteed to build your belief in Juice Plus+. 1. Take Juice Plus+ products consistently. … Continue reading


by Todd Smith Did you know you have the power to make our world a better place?  “Who? Me? Impossible!” I hear you saying. But it’s true. In this world of turmoil and strife, with chaos everywhere across our nation and around the globe, there has never been a greater hunger for simple words of … Continue reading


LISTEN & QUESTION Your Way to Success “be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry.” James 1:19 Asking the right questions at the right time, listening to the answer and responding appropriately to what you have heard are probably the most important skills to learn for success in life and in business. Very few have these … Continue reading


This wonderful little book will help you maximize the true value of your Juice Plus+ Virtual Franchise by aligning your values with the Five Laws of Stratospheric Success. The Five Laws of Stratospheric Success The Law of Value Your true worth is determined by how much more you give in value than you take in payment. The Law of Compensation Your income … Continue reading

The Magic of Asking

The #1 reason people say Yes (to what you are offering) is because you ask them! One of the most important skills to build is this: How to help your Prospects Become Customers or Reps. Listen to Dr. Carol Watson‘s training on this. Questions You Ask While Building Your Virtual Franchise Asking the right questions at the right time, … Continue reading

Social Media Guidelines

     Facebook                LinkedIn           Twitter             Instagram                                 Be sure … Continue reading

The Power of Duplication

‘Duplication’ involves two different but tightly-connected concepts: Duplication is about results: the exponential growth that comes from our business model. Duplication is about action: the importance of keeping what you do simple, so others can “duplicate” you (OR IS IT?!) The first is vital and pretty easy to understand; the second is often misunderstood. To a significant degree the second leads … Continue reading