Wellness Presentations

[…] promoting One Simple Change. It is by far the most effective way to: acquire customers build an existing customer’s (and Partner’s) belief attract Partners to your team train Partners show people there’s more to the JP+ experience than you and the tools (the bigger picture) All successful teams in the world of Juice Plus+ are using WPs to […]

Follow-up – it’s where the Fortune is!

[…] After a guest has attended a Zoom or Facebook event After someone has taken a look at the business (either your ‘presentation’ or at an event) After someone no-showed or couldn’t attend an event Before a customer’s product is due to ship With a partner on your Team As you do good follow-up you will […]

Your Belief

[…] make a positive difference (make someone’s day); an attitude of belief that builds up, not one that tears down. But when skeptics or negative people are around? How do you feel when someone questions the validity of Juice Plus+? Does your stomach tighten? Do you feel nervous or scared? We know, we’ve been there, […]

Value of the Virtual Franchise

[…] 1980, some 39% of private-sector workers had pensions that “guaranteed a steady payout during retirement”.  Today that figure is closer to 15%. What of the other 85%?  How about you? 2. Over the past decade, the cumulative return on the S&P 500 (the 500 largest public companies in the US market) is 4%.  In other […]

Product Testimonials

[…] is concerned, there are no studies (and are very unlikely to be any) that address specific diseases or conditions. That’s dangerous ground that NSA will not tread. However, we can and do point to the results of Juice Plus+ research. Juice Plus+ has been studied in universities and medical centers around the world, with […]

The Uniques of Juice Plus+ and the Virtual Franchise

[…] and our new team members and remind the rest of us what a blessing it is to be a part of a company and business so profound. How many companies that you know… are 43 years old, with an impressive history, are cash rich and debt free, yet are as fresh as the morning […]