Health Information (documents, videos and audios)

[…] Matt Brown Cancer, Nutrition and Juice Plus+® (42 min) by Dr. Kim Dalzell and Dr. Matt Brown Cancer Oriented Research (1 min) by Dr. Gina Travis Cancer – Power of Fruits and Vegetables: Overview of Articles (8 min) by Wendy Campbell, RN, NMD, 100 Club Cancer Patients – Is JP+ Safe?  (3 min) by Dr. Carol […]

Video Emails

[…] when you first launch your Juice Plus+ business or first introduce Juice Plus+ to someone. it makes sense to include a video in your Introductory Email. Video Postcards We can also text our ‘Come Join Us’ Videos right from your phone or computer. In addition, as you continue to educate your prospect, you can: 1. […]

The Birth of Juice Plus+

[…] is a lesson itself and is always teaching us something; we just have to learn how to interpret the direction it is taking us. Even a chronic illness is pointing us in a specific direction, as I learned when my father got sick. It was 1980 and I was on a lecture tour, teaching herbal seminars […]

Enrolling & Keeping Customers – Resources

[…] Chewables – Labels Juice Plus+ Berry Blend (pdf) Kosher Certification Labels (Ingredients) Listen Your Way to Success Maureen O’Toole (15 times MVP of U.S. Women’s National Water Polo Team) Miracle in Wisconsin NSF Certified & Certified For Sport Nutrients in Juice Plus+ Nutrition Detectives Presentation (great materials for a WP for kids) Online Videos […]

Wellness Presentations

[…] to keep the approach simple, fun and duplicatable. Aim for 45 minutes, so there’s plenty of time for discussion and to get attendees signed up. Get as many as possible of the guests to interact and contribute; when they are involved they will be more receptive to the message. Youtube Videos and Discussion (‘Smoothie and Movie’) This is the […]

Training Calls

[…] Juice Plus and My NSA Journey Leanne and Ryan Gordon: A “Family Business” Story Michelle Findlay: A Call for Busy People Mary Scherer & Michelle Findlay: The Power of Events Dawn Rathmann: Building Confidence Through the 4 Beliefs NMD Men: Perspectives on the Virtual Franchise Business: Jerry Klein, NMD, Dave DeHart, NMD, Dr. Mike Ewald, NMD, Guy DeBoo, […]

Dr. Mitra Ray Answers Your Questions

[…] and do not have the natural synergistic effect of nature’s food.  You are better off eating healthy and taking Juice Plus+, than trying to compensate for a poor diet with isolated, man-made chemicals. How do I take Juice Plus+? There are plenty myths floating around out there about Juice Plus+. I have prepared a […]

Welcome Email

[…] with something like this. You can also leave out the graph if you prefer (to shorten and simplify it). To copy and paste this into your email: position your mouse pointer before “Dear Joan” below (using the left mouse button) left mouse button click, and drag your mouse down until all the the email […]

The Power of Duplication

[…] doesn’t stop there. In fact, only one person on our entire Juice Plus+ team today was already a friend in 1990. We all share with our personal contacts, some use postcards,  many use social media, some “3-foot” strangers. So… in the end, any method that works … works! On our team we have doctors,  personal trainers and other […]

Introduction Emails

Email is a powerful, simple and “comfortable” tool to support your Virtual Franchise. It is no substitute for face to face and phone conversations, but it is effective and efficient. After the major challenge of managing email, the second challenge is to give your prospects just enough information, without overwhelming them. We’ve written a […]