Juice Plus+ Complete Recipes

[…] the protein shakes will somehow help them build bigger muscles or burn more fat (which isn’t true!) The problem is, many protein shakes are made from artificial, nutrient-poor ingredients. I just asked my husband to give me the name of a popular name brand protein shake that dieticians often recommend to bariatric patients and […]

Video Emails

[…] when you first launch your Juice Plus+ business or first introduce Juice Plus+ to someone. it makes sense to include a video in your Introductory Email. Video Postcards We can also text our ‘Come Join Us’ Videos right from your phone or computer. In addition, as you continue to educate your prospect, you can: 1. […]

Customer Care

Customers are the heartbeat and the life-blood of our business. Above all else, we as partners with the Juice Plus+ Company must go above and beyond to ensure that our customers have an incredible experience with our products and community. Through exquisite customer care you will not only deepen their belief in Juice Plus+, but … Continue reading

Training Calls

[…] Juice Plus and My NSA Journey Leanne and Ryan Gordon: A “Family Business” Story Michelle Findlay: A Call for Busy People Mary Scherer & Michelle Findlay: The Power of Events Dawn Rathmann: Building Confidence Through the 4 Beliefs NMD Men: Perspectives on the Virtual Franchise Business: Jerry Klein, NMD, Dave DeHart, NMD, Dr. Mike Ewald, NMD, Guy DeBoo, […]

3-Way Connection Calls

These calls are a powerful tool in your business. They are simply a way of connecting your prospect or team member with an ‘Expert’. Understand that ANYONE they don’t know is an ‘expert’ to them! For example: “Janet, my friend and mentor Jenny has been sharing Juice Plus+ much longer than I have. I would […]

Express Track or Fast Track to Success

As a new Juice Plus+ Partner, how you start your Virtual Franchise is up to you – you set the pace and we will match it. Go slow, Fast Track or Express Track! (see below). 4 Steps of the Express or Fast Track:       Please refer to these pages for more detail and guidance: … Continue reading

UK Phenomenon

[…] Conversations will lead to the right Conclusions for them and for us. A Win-Win. The Brits have discovered that JP+ Complete is not only a lower price point (esp. important for young folks with little money) but it produce Faster Results. Events over there are focused on Health and Wealth; their message is Feel […]

Next Step Planning

[…] get there?  How do you plan to get there? When you are a: NEW PARTNER (0%) Next Step: 3-4 Preferred Customer orders in 30 days (1,000 PV points) to earn the $50 bonus and reach… PARTNER+ (5%) Next Step: sponsor your 1st team member and (between you) 5+ more customers in your second 30 […]


Calendars for Zooms/Calls with Jenny or Mick Schedule one here! If possible choose to Zoom – so much more powerful. Zoom id: http://zoom.us/j/9709485950 password: teameagles. If a welcome or connect Zoom/Call, please email details about the person using this Profile Sheet as a guide. This 3-Way Call Checklist will help us partner to make the […]

The Birth of Juice Plus+

[…] is a lesson itself and is always teaching us something; we just have to learn how to interpret the direction it is taking us. Even a chronic illness is pointing us in a specific direction, as I learned when my father got sick. It was 1980 and I was on a lecture tour, teaching herbal seminars […]