
[…] the Partner’s credit card) is shipped to another address, that does NOT count as one of the necessary orders, and the volume does NOT count towards the points needed. In addition to your own orders and your customers’ orders, orders from your ‘level 1″ (personally sponsored) Partners AND their customers DO count towards your […]

Next Step Planning

[…] get there?  How do you plan to get there? When you are a: NEW PARTNER (0%) Next Step: 3-4 Preferred Customer orders in 30 days (1,000 PV points) to earn the $50 bonus and reach… PARTNER+ (5%) Next Step: sponsor your 1st team member and (between you) 5+ more customers in your second 30 […]

Welcome Partner – Let’s Roll!

[…] 30-day window is June 15th. If you were previously a customer and your order ships (or re-ships) in the same month that you become a Partner, the points from that order will count towards your promotional volume. Otherwise (if it ships in a different month) those points do NOT count. The required two preferred […]

The Birth of Juice Plus+

[…] is a lesson itself and is always teaching us something; we just have to learn how to interpret the direction it is taking us. Even a chronic illness is pointing us in a specific direction, as I learned when my father got sick. It was 1980 and I was on a lecture tour, teaching herbal seminars […]

UK Phenomenon

[…] Conversations will lead to the right Conclusions for them and for us. A Win-Win. The Brits have discovered that JP+ Complete is not only a lower price point (esp. important for young folks with little money) but it produce Faster Results. Events over there are focused on Health and Wealth; their message is Feel […]


[…] rabbit hole and you want to bring it back, interrupt ‘nicely’ and buy some time by asking “excuse me, do you mind if I ask a question?” By this point you should have a question to ask that will get you both back on track or one that will hopefully allow you to make it a dialogue […]

Value of the Virtual Franchise

[…] and some of them, with an ongoing revenue stream and life purpose before and into your retirement years (including – if you choose – early retirement). Another interesting point from Gordon’s presentation is the outstanding positioning of our company.  Below is a business graphic called an S curve.  This tool is used to show rate of […]

Engage Your Customer

[…] FB, VOXER Add them to our Customer Facebook Group Engage in the Group by Liking and Commenting Welcome them into the Group Engage in the Group by Posting Encourage Customers to engage Add them to Customer Email List Turn on your Email Notifications on Facebook Receive emails of Customer FB Group posts Forward the […]

Is Juice Plus+ Organic?

[…] and climate to each particular fruit or vegetable. Juice Plus+ makes every effort to source and use the highest quality, vine-ripened fruits and vegetables available. Organic ingredients are used whenever possible. Having been several times to the facility where Juice Plus+ is encapsulated and seen the lab where quality is tested, it’s my opinion that Juice Plus+ […]

Virtual Tracking

[…] Prevention Plus+ Seminar or Wellness Presentation. *Be prepared to discuss e-Customer messages 4 through 7. (Copies of e-Customer messages can be obtained via your Virtual Franchise Owner’s Manual.) *At this point your customer should be on their last “twin pack” of Juice Plus+. If this is not the case and they have run out or they are behind schedule, […]