Juice Plus+ Complete Recipes

[…] the protein shakes will somehow help them build bigger muscles or burn more fat (which isn’t true!) The problem is, many protein shakes are made from artificial, nutrient-poor ingredients. I just asked my husband to give me the name of a popular name brand protein shake that dieticians often recommend to bariatric patients and […]

Engage Your Customer

[…] FB, VOXER Add them to our Customer Facebook Group Engage in the Group by Liking and Commenting Welcome them into the Group Engage in the Group by Posting Encourage Customers to engage Add them to Customer Email List Turn on your Email Notifications on Facebook Receive emails of Customer FB Group posts Forward the […]

Prevention – you can’t feel it!

So “take Juice Plus+ for your Health, not for your Sickness.” That is important advice to give anyone considering or starting to take Juice Plus+, who has an illness or disease condition. You see, they often ask “Will Juice Plus+ help with my _______” Our reply is: “That’s not something we can predict. But when you look through the … Continue reading

Welcome Email

[…] with something like this. You can also leave out the graph if you prefer (to shorten and simplify it). To copy and paste this into your email: position your mouse pointer before “Dear Joan” below (using the left mouse button) left mouse button click, and drag your mouse down until all the the email […]

Introduction Emails

Email is a powerful, simple and “comfortable” tool to support your Virtual Franchise. It is no substitute for face to face and phone conversations, but it is effective and efficient. After the major challenge of managing email, the second challenge is to give your prospects just enough information, without overwhelming them. We’ve written a […]

Training Calls

[…] Juice Plus and My NSA Journey Leanne and Ryan Gordon: A “Family Business” Story Michelle Findlay: A Call for Busy People Mary Scherer & Michelle Findlay: The Power of Events Dawn Rathmann: Building Confidence Through the 4 Beliefs NMD Men: Perspectives on the Virtual Franchise Business: Jerry Klein, NMD, Dave DeHart, NMD, Dr. Mike Ewald, NMD, Guy DeBoo, […]

Know Your Customer

[…] works wonders. “Virtual Tracking” emails remind you and suggesting a great approach. Your Preferred Customer Genealogy Report is emailed to you monthly – use this valuable tool to ensure the best possible care for your customers. 3. Welcome Your New Customer We like to email our new customers using this Welcome Email. It’s important to advise your customer to […]

Value of Juice Plus+

[…] will discover that Juice Plus+ really is working for them. Prevention – “an ounce of … is worth…” so much: you can’t feel prevention though, so the research powerfully demonstrates this (be sure to make your own research overview document at your Virtual Office (under Tools … Juice Plus+ materials … Brochures). Real savings – we spend […]

Your Why

[…] Plus+ Company‘s WHY, (their mission statement) unchanged for over almost 50 years, is “To build a stable and lasting company that will help as many people as possible to realize their dreams.“  They’ve done that very successfully and are a great example of being true to your WHY. Before we reached the coveted National […]

90 Day Emails

[…] evaluation period of the first 100 days. The goal is to provide 10 follow-up connections with your new customer in the first 100 days – approximately once every two weeks. Juice Plus+ will send you e-mail reminders to call your customers, along with suggested talking points. You can find the new 90 Day emails here.