Trade Shows

[…] determine whether or not it’s a value for you to go ahead and talk with them. First of all what I would say is just something as simple as if someone would ask me what is Juice Plus? “It is the easiest way that I know to get a lot of fruits and vegetables […]

Wellness Presentations

[…] with many different names: aka Wellness Workshops, Healthy Living Parties, Wellness Gatherings, etc. They are now our standard, consistent with our Mission “Inspiring Healthy Living Around the World”, promoting One Simple Change. It is by far the most effective way to: acquire customers build an existing customer’s (and Partner’s) belief attract Partners to your team train Partners show people […]

Video Emails

[…] the video and explore the companion website, you’ll find out more about how thousands of people around the world have each built their own successful business based on one simple ingredient: their enthusiasm for the proven health benefits of Juice Plus+. Your Partner in Health Living, Your Name Dr. Mitra Ray Dr. Mitra Ray, a successful PhD […]

Go Pro: Becoming a Juice Plus+ Professional

[…] Video, Zoom, Conference Call) first, then bring them to an Event. Success formula (aka INSPIRE): “Your ability to get a large group of people to consistently do a few simple things over an extended period time.” Four basic rules for inviting: 1. emotionally detach yourself from the outcome (it’s your ‘job’ to educate and help them understand) […]

Doing Life

Every week (best on Sunday night or Monday morning) let’s sit down (perhaps with our coach on the phone) and look ahead day by day to see where we will be “doing life” this week. As we do this, let’s think about who we are likely to see in each of those places, who we want to share … Continue reading

Create a JP+ Raving Fan

[…] get good at getting referrals you will never run out of prospects. Once you get a referral call them. Calling Referrals is easy if you follow a simple script. Because this person does not know you, you need to use the name of the person they do know. This is called the Referral Umbrella. Use it […]

Memory Jogger

…aka Your Invitation List The Memory Jogger is the #1 tool for every Juice Plus+ Partner, whether you are Newbie or NMD. At its simplest, the Memory Jogger is an Invitation List – the names of those you will invite to look at Juice Plus+ – but as you build your business you will discover it is much more. […]

Engage Your Customer

[…] join our mission. Here are some ways to achieve that. One on One – Get to know your customer Complete Customer Profile on Day 1 Send One Simple Change Tracker and thank you note Check in at Day 10, 30, 60, 90 etc. Build relationship using phone, text, FB, VOXER Add them to our […]

How to Invite to Facebook Parties

[…] Facebook party (no house cleaning involved) for me to jumpstart my business and help people get healthier! Would you be open to doing that for me? It’s super simple. I do all the work, all you have to do is invite! Plus, there will be a great host reward for you as well, like yummy […]

Converting Customers into Partners

[…] Or…”Who do you know in _______________? I’m expanding my business there. (use your virtual office to find events) Invite your customers to your Wellness Presentations and Health Lectures. Shows them how simple our business is They see they can do it Further solidifies their belief even if they’re not interested in the business Practice…practice…practice Quantity of practice is more important […]