Health Information (documents, videos and audios)

[…] Club Article Athletes and Oxidative Stress (31 min) by Dr. Matt Brown Athletes, Injury and JP+ (4 min) by Wendy Campbell, RN, NMD, 100 Club Athletes – Nutrition for Young Athletes: Enhance Athletic Performance (2 min video) by Dr. Paul Stricker Athletic Performance and Oxidative Stress: Your Performance Deserves Protection! (pdf) by Dr. Paul Stricker Autism and […]

Video Emails

We are all so busy! One of our greatest challenges is getting someone’s attention long enough for them to want more information. Video technology (TV, Internet, DVD, etc.) is now commonplace and most of us are wired to need video ‘stimulation’ to help us pay attention; just ask teachers! So, when you first launch […]

Trade Shows

EXPOS, HEALTH FAIRS & TRADE SHOWS Exhibiting Juice Plus+ at a Health Fair, Show or Expo is not the main way to build this business, but for the right person they can be very useful. So, Trade Shows are NOT for Everyone, but… Elizabeth Tasis found this business at a trade show many years […]

Go For No!

Yes is the Destination, No is How You Get There. For years we have trained on the importance of being willing to “mistake your way to success”. Now we have discovered an outstanding book and program that teach the same thing. What if you could take the greatest obstacle standing between you and success, […]

Next Step Planning

[…] on the Next Step. To do this we must have a Next Step mindset. We believe it will help if we can give the ‘coachee’ a Vision for what their business will look like at the Next Step, and keep that Vision clearly before them as they work toward their goal. Each month during […]

Dr. Mitra Ray Answers Your Questions

Dr. Mitra Ray, a successful PhD biochemist, obtained her BS degree at Cornell University, Ithaca, New York and her Ph.D. from Stanford University, Palo Alto, California. Her research focused on cell biology, particularly as it relates to cancer, Alzheimer’s disease, and other degenerative diseases.Dr. Ray published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of […]

Go Pro: Becoming a Juice Plus+ Professional

This may be the most important book we know for those wanting real success with Juice Plus+. We are generally not impressed with books on networking, mainly because what’s written is either tired and filled with old-school network marketing ideas, and/or it’s just not relevant to our Juice Plus+ Virtual Franchise. Within the first few pages of […]

Facebook Friends Favor

[…] This limits your costs by offering samples to the first 10 or 20 or … AND it adds excitement/urgency. Happy December Facebook Friends! May I please ask for your help? I would like to make a “Juice Plus+” post on your wall (only once in the next 7 days). You may or may not […]

Building Momentum

[…] not let it slip. Momentum in Juice Plus+ is a learned skill. The result of momentum is similar to the results of taking Juice Plus+ every day for 3 years, compared with taking it for 4 months – see the Children’s Health Study results! There is a cumulative effect that builds and grows and that […]

Wellness Presentations

[…] (the bigger picture) All successful teams in the world of Juice Plus+ are using WPs to great effect. The key is to keep the approach simple, fun and duplicatable. Aim for 45 minutes, so there’s plenty of time for discussion and to get attendees signed up. Get as many as possible of the guests to interact and contribute; when […]