Customer Genealogy Report

Your Preferred Customer Genealogy Report is a valuable tool, showing exactly what product(s) each of your customers will be receiving, and when. You should be receiving your PC Genealogy reports monthly in your  email inbox, so you can provide excellent ongoing customer care (and teach your team to do  the same).  If you are not, contact […]

Wellness Plus+ Program

[…] to start a new business.  Your goal is to educate them and get them and their families started on Juice Plus+. This official brochure will help a an interested professional understand how the program works to their advantage. This video is the perfect follow-up. Wellness Plus+ Program Resources Wellness Plus+ Program Overview Wellness Plus+ Program Brochure Participant Agreement […]

Virtual Franchise Overview

How to Build a Juice Plus+ Virtual Franchise 1. Start as a Juice Plus+ Preferred Customer 2. Become a Juice Plus+ Partner Use the Healthy Living Partner Plan Share Videos, have Freedom Revolution Zooms or Facebook Parties 3. Become a Juice Plus+ Partner with Goals    1st Build a base of customers Follow the system: Fast Track […]

The Power of Five: Duplication

[…] body. That’s one of the great features of the Juice Plus+ business. You can build a solid base of Preferred Customers and make some very good income. How many is up to you—25, 50, 250? I hear people say, “I’m not interested in building a business, I just want to introduce the product to […]