Facebook Friends Favor

Here’s a way to expand your reach, to find new prospects, and to have more people to share your Juice Plus+ Story with (as well as a DMO that will keep you gainfully employed).  So far some have seen 5-10 Yes’s, others as many as 69! Only attempt this if you are willing to do … Continue reading

Facebook Parties Pro Tips

#1: Knowing how to interact on FB. Think of it as Facebook is like living in a dorm. Everyone you interact with has a reason for being here, but not always the same reason as you. Discover their reason, and you will discover common ground. There will be drama… walk away and avoid it, or address … Continue reading

Social Media Guidelines

     Facebook                LinkedIn           Twitter             Instagram www.juiceplus.com/facebook                          www.linkedin.com               www.twitter.com/juiceplus                     www.instagram.com Be sure … Continue reading

Video Emails

We are all so busy! One of our greatest challenges is getting someone’s attention long enough for them to want more information. Video technology (TV, Internet, DVD, etc.) is now commonplace and most of us are wired to need video ‘stimulation’ to help us pay attention; just ask teachers! So, when you first launch your … Continue reading


This advice is from Juice Plus+ Connections (at your Virtual Office); Hashtags and how to use them: What is a hashtag? Twitter defines a hashtag as the # symbol, called a hashtag, is used to mark keywords or topics in a social media post. It was created organically by Twitter users as a way to categorize messages. Best … Continue reading

Robert Kiyosaki’s Business School

Direct Sales – It’s an Asset, Not a Job by Robert Kiyosaki I am sometimes asked “Why do so few people make it to the top of their direct selling system?” The truth is, the top of the direct selling/network marketing system is open to everyone — unlike traditional corporate systems, which allow only one person to reach … Continue reading

Business Cards

If you use this link www.vistaprint.tellapal.com/a/clk/QqvGL (and you have not ordered from them before) you can choose the lowest cost options and your 250 cards will be free (except for a small shipping charge). If you choose more expensive paper you will save $10 off your cost, so even full gloss cards will cost less than … Continue reading

Hosting Facebook Parties

You can invite to Facebook Events that others create, but hosting them yourself is much more powerful. You can offer a Business Launch Event for every new partner who joins your team and ask customers and friends to host a party for you. First decide if this will be a Facebook-only event or a Live … Continue reading

After Your Facebook Party

Immediately After Your Party Post this in the Description (Details): THANKS TO EVERYONE WHO JOINED US!  WE WILL LEAVE THIS EVENT HERE FOR AS LONG AS FACEBOOK ALLOWS. GOOD NIGHT – SEE YOU AGAIN NEXT TIME! Or (if it’s an event for ONE JP+ Partner eg. a Business Launch Party), something like: THANK YOU SO MUCH TO ALL … Continue reading