Wellness Presentations

[…] Workshops, Healthy Living Parties, Wellness Gatherings, etc. They are now our standard, consistent with our Mission “Inspiring Healthy Living Around the World”, promoting One Simple Change. It is by far the most effective way to: acquire customers build an existing customer’s (and Partner’s) belief attract Partners to your team train Partners show people there’s more to the JP+ experience […]

Health Information (documents, videos and audios)

[…] of Articles (8 min) by Wendy Campbell, RN, NMD, 100 Club Cancer Patients – Is JP+ Safe?  (3 min) by Dr. Carol Watson, ND, NMD Cancer Treatment – Effects of Whole Food Nutrition (video 2 min) by Dr. Kim Dalzell Cardiovascular Significance, Cholesterol, Inflammation and JP+ (4 min) by Dr. Candace Corson, NMD Celiac Disease   (3 min) by […]

Go Pro: Becoming a Juice Plus+ Professional

[…] themselves the issue”): “it’s not all about us”. Use the CDs, DVDs, videos, Conference Calls and Connection Calls; don’t try to be the expert – it’s not necessary and not effective. This is a profound takeaway from Eric Worre: “In (Juice Plus+) it doesn’t matter what works. It only matter what duplicates.” Going further, what duplicates IS what works! […]

Dr. Mitra Ray Answers Your Questions

[…] ratios of nutrition that nature intended. Vitamins are man-made chemicals that are often way off from the balance of nature, and do not have the natural synergistic effect of nature’s food.  You are better off eating healthy and taking Juice Plus+, than trying to compensate for a poor diet with isolated, man-made chemicals. How […]

Doing Life

[…] them into customers and some into Partners. This approach easily gives Mary lots of people to invite to her Wellness Presentations. The invitation will be face-to-face, fresh and much more effective than by phone or email. She will use the standard ‘Call-Send-Call’ invitation approach, but the first ‘Call’ has been done face-to-face while out ‘doing life’: the most effective […]

How To Take Juice Plus+

[…] powder, there is no digestion required for the body, so you don’t have to worry about combining the Fruit, Vegetable and Berry blends. Also, the research bears out the effectiveness of combining all the blends because – now this is quite interesting – when they started doing double-blinded, placebo-controlled research, they realized that some people had already been […]

Jim Rohn’s One Year Success Plan

[…] proven investment plan. Week 14 Workbook Week 15 Workbook Week 16 Workbook Week 17 Workbook CD 11 CD 12 Month 5 Relationships —Improve your ability to be a more effective and loving parent, spouse and friend by improving your relational skills. Week 18 Workbook CD 13 Month 6 Time Management —Gain between 10 and 15 additional 40-hour workweeks per year […]

Share Your Story

[…] than any facts about Juice Plus+. Follow your heart and express your heart: it’s not so much about choosing the right words, as choosing the right people; effective stories communicate heart to heart, not head to head. As we’ve been working with many of you to craft a powerful product story, we’ve often commented: […]

Your Belief

[…] from the sale of that drug after doing the research themselves. It’s no wonder so many drugs are later withdrawn, having been found to be not just ineffective, but dangerous. Juice Plus+ is very different, as you will discover by reading the email below from John Blair, VP Product and Research for Juice Plus+. John was […]

The Magic of Asking

[…] Listening and Questioning your Way to Success – you’ll be glad you did! High Yielding Questions All questions are not equal; we want to ask questions that are powerful, effective and that contribute to a win-win conversation. Here are  ‘high yielding’ questions you can use. Watch the video below and in 30 minutes you will learn […]