Customer Care

Customers are the heartbeat and the life-blood of our business. Above all else, we as partners with the Juice Plus+ Company must go above and beyond to ensure that our customers have an incredible experience with our products and community. Through exquisite customer care you will not only deepen their belief in Juice Plus+, but … Continue reading

Wellness Presentations

… aka Healthy Living Parties Wellness Presentations (WPs) have come with many different names: aka Wellness Workshops, Healthy Living Parties, Wellness Gatherings, etc. They are now our standard, consistent with our Mission “Inspiring Healthy Living Around the World”, promoting One Simple Change. It is by far the most effective way to: acquire customers build an existing customer’s (and Partner’s) belief … Continue reading

Share Your Journey

Listen to this audio training. Keep it simple; then those you invite to join your team will say: “I can do that! We invite people to take a look at Juice Plus+ (our products) and to take a peak at what we do (our Mission, our business). In all of this our Conversations make all the difference. … Continue reading

Video Emails

We are all so busy! One of our greatest challenges is getting someone’s attention long enough for them to want more information. Video technology (TV, Internet, DVD, etc.) is now commonplace and most of us are wired to need video ‘stimulation’ to help us pay attention; just ask teachers! So, when you first launch your … Continue reading

Promoting Events

In our Virtual Franchise Events are our most important tool. Learn to introduce Juice Plus+ to your friends and family, you will make excellent part-time income. Learn to sponsor and train a nucleus of committed people, you will make a better than average living. Learn how to promote events and teach others to do the … Continue reading

Share Your Story

This is a business of storytelling.  You do not need to be an expert on Juice Plus+ or our business, but you DO need to have a good story to tell! Your Story is your best walking/talking Juice Plus+ brochure; it’s your message. So, it’s important to be prepared when a conversation opens the door to … Continue reading

Know Your Customer

We all know that Juice Plus+ is more than just an easy way to get added nutrition from a wide variety of fruits and vegetables every day. Thousands of people report that after only a few months of taking Juice Plus+, they’ve started to eat more fruits and vegetables, too. They also report that they’re drinking more water, … Continue reading

Trade Shows

EXPOS, HEALTH FAIRS & TRADE SHOWS Exhibiting Juice Plus+ at a Health Fair, Show or Expo is not the main way to build this business, but for the right person they can be very useful. So, Trade Shows are NOT for Everyone, but… Elizabeth Tasis found this business at a trade show many years ago. … Continue reading


Employing the Pipeline concept is crucial to enjoying every aspect of your Virtual Franchise. Capitalize on this method and you will have lots of fun and success. Your Pipeline (it may help to visualize a funnel), is full when you have spoken to lots of people (50-200) about Juice Plus+.  When you’ve spoken to relatively few … Continue reading

The Magic of Asking

The #1 reason people say Yes (to what you are offering) is because you ask them! One of the most important skills to build is this: How to help your Prospects Become Customers or Reps. Listen to Dr. Carol Watson‘s training on this. Questions You Ask While Building Your Virtual Franchise Asking the right questions at the right time, … Continue reading