Wellness Presentations

… aka Healthy Living Parties Wellness Presentations (WPs) have come with many different names: aka Wellness Workshops, Healthy Living Parties, Wellness Gatherings, etc. They are now our standard, consistent with our Mission “Inspiring Healthy Living Around the World”, promoting One Simple Change. It is by far the most effective way to: acquire customers build an existing customer’s (and Partner’s) belief … Continue reading

Go Pro: Becoming a Juice Plus+ Professional

This may be the most important book we know for those wanting real success with Juice Plus+. We are generally not impressed with books on networking, mainly because what’s written is either tired and filled with old-school network marketing ideas, and/or it’s just not relevant to our Juice Plus+ Virtual Franchise. Within the first few pages of Go … Continue reading

Your Belief

After all these years (since 1993!) our belief system is as strong as our immune system – rock solid. But when you are just starting out, it’s nowhere near that strong. Belief in Juice Plus+ Here are some things that are guaranteed to build your belief in Juice Plus+. 1. Take Juice Plus+ products consistently. … Continue reading

Share Your Journey

Listen to this audio training. Keep it simple; then those you invite to join your team will say: “I can do that! We invite people to take a look at Juice Plus+ (our products) and to take a peak at what we do (our Mission, our business). In all of this our Conversations make all the difference. … Continue reading

90 Day Emails

Customer Email Campaign The email campaign to our customers is a great part of Customer Care, provided by corporate. New customers receive these emails: Day 1 – How to add Juice Plus+ to your life Day 15 – 5 ways to eat more fruits and vegetables Day 30 – How Juice Plus+ may be changing … Continue reading

Robert Kiyosaki’s Business School

Direct Sales – It’s an Asset, Not a Job by Robert Kiyosaki I am sometimes asked “Why do so few people make it to the top of their direct selling system?” The truth is, the top of the direct selling/network marketing system is open to everyone — unlike traditional corporate systems, which allow only one person to reach … Continue reading


We have a tried and proven system that guarantees success to everyone who truly implements it. Which of these aspects of the Virtual Franchise is your priority today? Enrolling & Keeping Customers Team Building Resources Managing Your Business Personal Growth

Building Momentum

with Commitment, Consistency, Conversations and Connection Most of us generate good momentum at the start of any new venture (be it New Years resolutions or our new business venture), but it can be tough to keep that momentum going and not let it slip. Momentum in Juice Plus+ is a learned skill. The result of … Continue reading

5 + 1 Every Month

Here’s an exciting incentive for Sales Coordinators and above: For everyone, at every stage, it is vitally important to get 5 new Juice Plus+ Preferred Customer orders every month – at least. Add one new team member each month as well and you are well on your way to establishing the habits and disciplines needed to achieve great success … Continue reading

Converting Customers into Partners

by Karen Weaver How do we do that? Through great conversations, customer care, building relationships, asking questions, asking more questions, listening, listening, listening. Remember the statistics: 85% only interested in JP 10% may be interested in the business at a later date 5% might be interested right away How do we find the 10%? Listening!! The real art of … Continue reading