Welcome Email

Below is the email we send to every new customer. By all means use your own words, but be sure to welcome your customer with something like this. You can also leave out the graph if you prefer (to shorten and simplify it). To copy and paste this into your email: position your mouse pointer … Continue reading

Prevention – you can’t feel it!

So “take Juice Plus+ for your Health, not for your Sickness.” That is important advice to give anyone considering or starting to take Juice Plus+, who has an illness or disease condition. You see, they often ask “Will Juice Plus+ help with my _______” Our reply is: “That’s not something we can predict. But when you look through the … Continue reading

Doing Life

Every week (best on Sunday night or Monday morning) let’s sit down (perhaps with our coach on the phone) and look ahead day by day to see where we will be “doing life” this week. As we do this, let’s think about who we are likely to see in each of those places, who we want to share … Continue reading

Qualify Your Business

As you build your base of Preferred Customers and your team, your monthly paid product volume will grow until it reaches 1,800 each month; then your business is Qualified. See this Pricing Guide for full details. When your business is Qualified, you earn a 3% bonus on most, if not all, of  your team. As your team grows, … Continue reading

Value of Juice Plus+

Times are better for most people financially, but even if we are not feeling the pinch many are still watching their pennies closely – if they are wise. So how can we demonstrate the true value of Juice Plus+ to our customers and to those who are undecided about Juice Plus+? Unless they see that the value … Continue reading

Events, Events, Events

Your Juice Plus+ Website has a listing of all the events around the country. In real estate the three most important success factors are “Location, Location, Location”.  In your Virtual Franchise they are “Events, Events, Events”. If Preferred Customers are the “life-blood” of your business, then Events are the “arteries”. “Flow” your prospects and customers through … Continue reading

Welcome Partner – Let’s Roll!

Congratulations on a great decision! Let’s launch your Juice Plus+ business. Please first complete your Welcome Course at the Juice Plus+ Hub (after signing in.) Next Some Ground Rules: Have fun and share your story! Be subtle on social media. You want your friends to ask YOU why you are so healthy and happy. Lead … Continue reading

NMD in FOUR MONTHS?! In Canada? By a MAN?! YES!

Dave Sanderson made National Marketing Director in 4 months; he is duplicating and far from being done. Here is Dave, explaining to Dr. Mitra Ray  how he achieved this. Here are Dave’s slides from a recent training (the numbers are Canadian!) Listen in particular to his DMO and focus on Customer Care.  Dave’s approach is TOTALLY duplicatable for … Continue reading

Hosting Facebook Parties

You can invite to Facebook Events that others create, but hosting them yourself is much more powerful. You can offer a Business Launch Event for every new partner who joins your team and ask customers and friends to host a party for you. First decide if this will be a Facebook-only event or a Live … Continue reading

How To Take Juice Plus+

Juice Plus+ … Just Take It! We email our new customers using this Welcome Email. Advising your customer to start slowly is very important; since they often don’t read emails (properly) you should call them to make sure they start slowly. Here’s what we say: “When is it best to take Juice Plus+? It really doesn’t matter. We suggest … Continue reading