Promoting Events

In our Virtual Franchise Events are our most important tool. Learn to introduce Juice Plus+ to your friends and family, you will make excellent part-time income. Learn to sponsor and train a nucleus of committed people, you will make a better than average living. Learn how to promote events and teach others to do the … Continue reading

Dr. Mitra Ray Answers Your Questions

Dr. Mitra Ray, a successful PhD biochemist, obtained her BS degree at Cornell University, Ithaca, New York and her Ph.D. from Stanford University, Palo Alto, California. Her research focused on cell biology, particularly as it relates to cancer, Alzheimer’s disease, and other degenerative diseases.Dr. Ray published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, … Continue reading


The Secret to Success? “Success and failure. We think of them as opposites, but they’re really not. They are companions–the hero and the sidekick.”  ~ Laurence Shames Richard Branson’s Three Keys to Entrepreneurial Success Provide Untapped Value to the Customer: “The most critical thing with any new venture is we must deliver a tremendous value to the … Continue reading


You never need to run out of prospects if you get good at getting referrals! Here’s how … ASKING FOR REFERRALS (while doing Customer Care Calls)  When you have a “satisfied customer”, ask them for referrals: Step 1- Affirm Success “You’ve had great results on the products” (or make it specific to their results)…, “You know … Continue reading

The Birth of Juice Plus+

by Dr. Humbart Santillo Before I tell you about the research behind Juice Plus+®, I’d like to tell you the personal story that led to the development of this whole-food product. When we’re experiencing a trauma or other significant event, we don’t always fully understand it until it has passed, and then we realize that it has changed our lives for the … Continue reading


We build our JP+ business one conversation at a time – sharing our products and sharing our business by sharing our Story. More than ever before, “The world is hungry for better health, a sense of belonging and an opportunity to live a life of purpose.” (John Blair, Senior VP, The Juice Plus+ Company) Also, more than ever, people … Continue reading

Engage Your Customer

As you get to Know Your Customer, it’s so important to engage them, to draw them into both the Juice Plus+ Experience and our Juice Plus+ Culture and Community. Your main goals are: to help them develop the  “Juice Plus+ Habit” – only that way will they see the results they deserve and that we … Continue reading

How To Take Juice Plus+

Juice Plus+ … Just Take It! We email our new customers using this Welcome Email. Advising your customer to start slowly is very important; since they often don’t read emails (properly) you should call them to make sure they start slowly. Here’s what we say: “When is it best to take Juice Plus+? It really doesn’t matter. We suggest … Continue reading

Website Banner Ads

Do you have your own personal or professional website? If so, you may use any of the images posted at Juice PLUS+ Insights (scroll to the bottom) to link back from that site to your personal website. Use of any Social Media Shareables & Website Banners the Juice Plus+ Partner agrees to adhere to … Continue reading