Live The Mission

The Juice Plus+ business starts and ends with our mission of “Inspiring Healthy Living Around the World.” Being a positive example is the best way to do that, and will naturally attract the interest and attention of others. We cannot ask or expect of others what we cannot, will not, or do not do ourselves. … Continue reading

90 Day Emails

Customer Email Campaign The email campaign to our customers is a great part of Customer Care, provided by corporate. New customers receive these emails: Day 1 – How to add Juice Plus+ to your life Day 15 – 5 ways to eat more fruits and vegetables Day 30 – How Juice Plus+ may be changing … Continue reading

Share Your Story

This is a business of storytelling.  You do not need to be an expert on Juice Plus+ or our business, but you DO need to have a good story to tell! Your Story is your best walking/talking Juice Plus+ brochure; it’s your message. So, it’s important to be prepared when a conversation opens the door to … Continue reading

Why is Juice Plus+ not sold in Stores or Shops?

The Juice Plus+ Virtual Franchise is a hybrid business model, taking the best (and rejecting the worst) of several other ways of doing business. Jay Martin’s article explains it best. It’s a common question, so let’s answer it in the context of the direct sales industry, with which we have much in common: “Why are … Continue reading

Disciplining Your Disappointments

How do you respond when something doesn’t go your way? Do you throw a pity party? Do you allow yourself to be easily discouraged? When things don’t go your way, do you allow it to distract you from your goals and the bigger picture? Do you lose sight of the journey ahead because you hit a little bump in … Continue reading

The YOU Factor

Who is Responsible For Your Success? by Jack Canfield It’s  time to meet the person who has been responsible for the life you live  right now. This person has created your income, your  debt, your relationships, your health, your fitness level, your weight,  your attitudes and your behaviors. Who is it? To introduce yourself,  just … Continue reading

Maximizing Your Juice Plus+ Conference Experience

by Nancy Kroupa, NMD The following tips are recommended to help you maximize your valuable time spent at the upcoming Juice Plus+ Conference – the “Super-bowl” of all JP+ events. I. Prepare Yourself Before the Conference Go yourself!  You must set the example and attend yourself, even if you do not have any team members going.  … Continue reading

Welcome Email

Below is the email we send to every new customer. By all means use your own words, but be sure to welcome your customer with something like this. You can also leave out the graph if you prefer (to shorten and simplify it). To copy and paste this into your email: position your mouse pointer … Continue reading

Juice Plus+ Complete

Complete Nutrition from Juice Plus+ Juice Plus+ Complete is our all new, whole food-based drink mix that offers significantly more nutrition per calorie than the three leading store-bought nutritional drink mixes.* More protein: 13 grams per serving all from a proprietary blend providing a variety of proteins from water-washed soy, peas, chickpeas, tofu, rice, and … Continue reading

Introduction Emails

Email is a powerful, simple and “comfortable” tool to support your Virtual Franchise. It is no substitute for face to face and phone conversations, but it is effective and efficient. After the major challenge of managing email, the second challenge is to give your prospects just enough information, without overwhelming them. We’ve written a sample … Continue reading