Daily Method of Operation

“A good DMO may well be the most useful and simple tool that anyone can use to improve time management. I am confident that this strategy will make a profound difference in your life.” Gordon Hester Your DMO needs to focus you on achieving a goal for the month – for example, the 5-1-1 (enroll … Continue reading

Qualifying National Marketing Director

Congratulations! You have reached an important milestone and you are in qualification and training for NMD (see the benefits below that await you!) Your Next Step: Your next major Goal is, of course, National Marketing Director. Let Julie Herbst remind you about the Leadership Track: This worksheet will help you and your sponsor plan and track your … Continue reading

Juice Plus+ Complete Recipes

Looking for more information on Juice Plus+ Complete? (click here) 10 “No-Milk” Shakes with Juice Plus+ Complete by Ivy Larson As you may know, my husband (Andy Larson) is a general surgeon who has a special interest in surgical nutrition and also does a great deal of lap-band bariatric (weight loss) surgery. After weight loss surgery it … Continue reading

Share Your Journey

Listen to this audio training. Keep it simple; then those you invite to join your team will say: “I can do that! We invite people to take a look at Juice Plus+ (our products) and to take a peak at what we do (our Mission, our business). In all of this our Conversations make all the difference. … Continue reading

Jim Rohn’s One Year Success Plan

Years ago, on our journey to National Marketing Director, we followed the teaching of  the late, great Jim Rohn  (RIP); we can attribute much of our personal growth to his wisdom, and he contributed more than any other single person to our success. His audio trainings were almost like having him in our own living room … Continue reading

How To Take Juice Plus+

Juice Plus+ … Just Take It! We email our new customers using this Welcome Email. Advising your customer to start slowly is very important; since they often don’t read emails (properly) you should call them to make sure they start slowly. Here’s what we say: “When is it best to take Juice Plus+? It really doesn’t matter. We suggest … Continue reading

Create a JP+ Raving Fan

Your goal is to have Raving Fan customers who share their Juice Plus+ Experience with others – in person, in our Facebook customer group and on their own Facebook pages. Prompt them to share their results, with family, with friends, on social media! Ravings Fans result from great Customer Care that ensures a really positive Juice … Continue reading


Calendars for Zooms/Calls with Jenny or Mick Schedule one here! If possible choose to Zoom – so much more powerful. Zoom id: http://zoom.us/j/9709485950 password: teameagles. If a welcome or connect Zoom/Call, please email details about the person using this Profile Sheet as a guide. This 3-Way Call Checklist will help us partner to make the most … Continue reading

Introduction Emails

Email is a powerful, simple and “comfortable” tool to support your Virtual Franchise. It is no substitute for face to face and phone conversations, but it is effective and efficient. After the major challenge of managing email, the second challenge is to give your prospects just enough information, without overwhelming them. We’ve written a sample … Continue reading

When a Customer Cancels

Yes, it does happen. What should we do? Of course, a phone call is essential to understand why they want to stop. They may just have too much product, in which case you can hold their shipment until they are ready. We check with ALL our customers before their next shipment, even those who have … Continue reading