The Birth of Juice Plus+

by Dr. Humbart Santillo Before I tell you about the research behind Juice Plus+®, I’d like to tell you the personal story that led to the development of this whole-food product. When we’re experiencing a trauma or other significant event, we don’t always fully understand it until it has passed, and then we realize that it has changed our lives for the … Continue reading

Jim Rohn’s One Year Success Plan

Years ago, on our journey to National Marketing Director, we followed the teaching of  the late, great Jim Rohn  (RIP); we can attribute much of our personal growth to his wisdom, and he contributed more than any other single person to our success. His audio trainings were almost like having him in our own living room … Continue reading

Events, Events, Events

Your Juice Plus+ Website has a listing of all the events around the country. In real estate the three most important success factors are “Location, Location, Location”.  In your Virtual Franchise they are “Events, Events, Events”. If Preferred Customers are the “life-blood” of your business, then Events are the “arteries”. “Flow” your prospects and customers through … Continue reading

UK Phenomenon

Most of you have heard the rumblings of all the excitement going on in the UK over the last couple of years,… new orders climbing to over 30,000 per month (from 1,000 per month), recruiting up to approx 2,500 new Reps per month (from 100 per month), record setting promotions left and right, etc. At … Continue reading

Follow-up – it’s where the Fortune is!

“The Fortune is in the Follow-up”! You will hear this often, and it so true. Follow-up can be one of the most underrated and underperformed parts of our Virtual Franchise, but if you embrace it and learn to love it, Follow-up will make you a Fortune! Watch this video to learn the power and practice … Continue reading


More than ever, people crave Connection. Connection is the first step in having a Conversation. A meaningful conversation will enrich a Relationship. Relationship is at the core of a growing Juice Plus+ business. Success in Juice Plus+ is all about building and growing your relationships. How do you build relationships? You start with trust. And, … Continue reading

Daily Method of Operation

“A good DMO may well be the most useful and simple tool that anyone can use to improve time management. I am confident that this strategy will make a profound difference in your life.” Gordon Hester Your DMO needs to focus you on achieving a goal for the month – for example, the 5-1-1 (enroll … Continue reading

Wellness Presentations

… aka Healthy Living Parties Wellness Presentations (WPs) have come with many different names: aka Wellness Workshops, Healthy Living Parties, Wellness Gatherings, etc. They are now our standard, consistent with our Mission “Inspiring Healthy Living Around the World”, promoting One Simple Change. It is by far the most effective way to: acquire customers build an existing customer’s (and Partner’s) belief … Continue reading

Your Why

Your WHY verbalizes the driving force that moves you to success as you work your Virtual Franchise. It explains WHY you do WHAT you do. It inspires your Vision, what you and your life will look like as a direct result of living the life that was designed for you, and achieving your Goals. These … Continue reading

Juice Plus+ Complete

Complete Nutrition from Juice Plus+ Juice Plus+ Complete is our all new, whole food-based drink mix that offers significantly more nutrition per calorie than the three leading store-bought nutritional drink mixes.* More protein: 13 grams per serving all from a proprietary blend providing a variety of proteins from water-washed soy, peas, chickpeas, tofu, rice, and … Continue reading