Personal Growth Resources

Ask – the Magic of Asking Belief Change Coaching Commitment Daily Discipline Developing The Leader In You and In Others Disciplining your Disappointments Discover Your Sweet Spot… and Live There Dream Big and May Your Dreams Be Bigger Than Your Memories Dreams Encouragement Fear of Failure Fear of Success Grow Me, Serve You (Jeff Roberti) … Continue reading

3-Way Connection Calls

These calls are a powerful tool in your business. They are simply a way of connecting your prospect or team member with an ‘Expert’. Understand that ANYONE they don’t know is an ‘expert’ to them! For example: “Janet, my friend and mentor Jenny has been sharing Juice Plus+ much longer than I have. I would love … Continue reading

Social Media Guidelines

     Facebook                LinkedIn           Twitter             Instagram                                 Be sure … Continue reading

Juice Plus+ Radio

Radio Listen to these audio recordings on your smartphone or computer Woman to Woman with Bunny Jumonville (2-time cancer survivor) From Surviving To Thriving with Marilyn Joyce, R.D. (5-time cancer survivor) Are you Digging Your Grave With Your Fork with Susan Silberstein, PhD (CACE) In Case of Emergency with Paul Williams, M.D. (emergency medicine) Call Me In The … Continue reading

Maximizing Your Juice Plus+ Conference Experience

by Nancy Kroupa, NMD The following tips are recommended to help you maximize your valuable time spent at the upcoming Juice Plus+ Conference – the “Super-bowl” of all JP+ events. I. Prepare Yourself Before the Conference Go yourself!  You must set the example and attend yourself, even if you do not have any team members going.  … Continue reading

Events, Events, Events

Your Juice Plus+ Website has a listing of all the events around the country. In real estate the three most important success factors are “Location, Location, Location”.  In your Virtual Franchise they are “Events, Events, Events”. If Preferred Customers are the “life-blood” of your business, then Events are the “arteries”. “Flow” your prospects and customers through … Continue reading