Share Your Story

This is a business of storytelling.  You do not need to be an expert on Juice Plus+ or our business, but you DO need to have a good story to tell! Your Story is your best walking/talking Juice Plus+ brochure; it’s your message. So, it’s important to be prepared when a conversation opens the door to … Continue reading

Juice Plus+ Complete

Complete Nutrition from Juice Plus+ Juice Plus+ Complete is our all new, whole food-based drink mix that offers significantly more nutrition per calorie than the three leading store-bought nutritional drink mixes.* More protein: 13 grams per serving all from a proprietary blend providing a variety of proteins from water-washed soy, peas, chickpeas, tofu, rice, and … Continue reading

Tips For YES

“97% of all orders are not made on the first call.” (Jeffrey Gitomer). It may take 3-5 exposures for a prospect to order Juice Plus+.  An exposure is a visit to the website to watch a DVD or video, listening to an audio CD, attending a Zoom or  Wellness Presentation, etc. Realize that “no” is not … Continue reading

UK Phenomenon

Most of you have heard the rumblings of all the excitement going on in the UK over the last couple of years,… new orders climbing to over 30,000 per month (from 1,000 per month), recruiting up to approx 2,500 new Reps per month (from 100 per month), record setting promotions left and right, etc. At … Continue reading


Employing the Pipeline concept is crucial to enjoying every aspect of your Virtual Franchise. Capitalize on this method and you will have lots of fun and success. Your Pipeline (it may help to visualize a funnel), is full when you have spoken to lots of people (50-200) about Juice Plus+.  When you’ve spoken to relatively few … Continue reading

Your Belief

After all these years (since 1993!) our belief system is as strong as our immune system – rock solid. But when you are just starting out, it’s nowhere near that strong. Belief in Juice Plus+ Here are some things that are guaranteed to build your belief in Juice Plus+. 1. Take Juice Plus+ products consistently. … Continue reading

Food Allergies & Juice Plus+

For those with serious, even life-threatening, allergies to foods, this official statement (confirming the 8 allergens that are not present in the plant where the Juice Plus+ Chewables are manufactured) is very important. It helps to understand the difference between allergy, intolerance and sensitivity to food; this article about these in children helps, and most of it applies equally to adults. … Continue reading


by Todd Smith Did you know you have the power to make our world a better place?  “Who? Me? Impossible!” I hear you saying. But it’s true. In this world of turmoil and strife, with chaos everywhere across our nation and around the globe, there has never been a greater hunger for simple words of … Continue reading


HOW TO KEEP THE VISION BEFORE YOU by Carol Watson, RN, ND, NMD One of the main challenges in starting a new business is preparing for the initial startup when everything seems to be going out and little is coming in, but the rejections seem to be in great supply.  I am here to reassure you that “what … Continue reading


LISTEN & QUESTION Your Way to Success “be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry.” James 1:19 Asking the right questions at the right time, listening to the answer and responding appropriately to what you have heard are probably the most important skills to learn for success in life and in business. Very few have these … Continue reading