Go Pro: Becoming a Juice Plus+ Professional

This may be the most important book we know for those wanting real success with Juice Plus+. We are generally not impressed with books on networking, mainly because what’s written is either tired and filled with old-school network marketing ideas, and/or it’s just not relevant to our Juice Plus+ Virtual Franchise. Within the first few pages of […]

Memory Jogger

…aka Your Invitation List The Memory Jogger is the #1 tool for every Juice Plus+ Partner, whether you are Newbie or NMD. At its simplest, the Memory Jogger is an Invitation List – the names of those you will invite to look at Juice Plus+ – but as you build your business you will discover it is much more. […]

Wellness Presentations

[…] (the bigger picture) All successful teams in the world of Juice Plus+ are using WPs to great effect. The key is to keep the approach simple, fun and duplicatable. Aim for 45 minutes, so there’s plenty of time for discussion and to get attendees signed up. Get as many as possible of the guests to interact and contribute; when […]

Share Your Journey

[…] (our products) and to take a peak at what we do (our Mission, our business). In all of this our Conversations make all the difference. Using our 20-10-5-1 Success Formula, we invite people to: learn about Complete, Juice Plus+, the Tower Garden, … join you for lunch, coffee, etc. watch a video or webinar or join a […]


[…] compared with 5 out of 200. See the difference? So, when is a prospect in your Pipeline? When they have heard your Story. Why not try this: for the next week (or month) forget about getting orders, forget about getting customers, just get the word out. Your friends and family need to know you are […]

Doing Life

[…] life” plan includes her Juice Plus+ activities and reminds her to invite (or confirm her invitation with) people to the events. The “Doing Life” Plan makes a perfect discipline for everyone, from brand new JP+ Partner all the way to NMD. For New JP+ Partners In addition to starting with their “Doing Life” Plan, the new JP+ Partner should […]

Engage Your Customer

[…] Group by Posting Encourage Customers to engage Add them to Customer Email List Turn on your Email Notifications on Facebook Receive emails of Customer FB Group posts Forward the emails to customers – allows Customers to see what is happening Inspire One Simple Change Recommend your customer adopt One Simple Change each month Use the One […]

5 + 1 Every Month

Here’s an exciting incentive for Sales Coordinators and above: For everyone, at every stage, it is vitally important to get 5 new Juice Plus+ Preferred Customer orders every month – at least. Add one new team member each month as well and you are well on your way to establishing the habits and disciplines needed to achieve great […]

Promoting Events

[…] people, you will make a better than average living. Learn how to promote events and teach others to do the same, and you will make a small Fortune. Preferred Customers are the “life-blood” of your business, and Events are the “arteries” of your business. The Process The process involved in successfully promoting and using […]

20-10-5-1 Success Formula

Planning Your Month For the serious business builder, their monthly goal includes growing a customer base (with 5 new customers, at least), building a team (with 1 new team member sponsored, at least), plus promoting one Partner+. That’s the 5-1-1. Then help that Partner+ make QSC the following month! So, on the first day […]