Engage Your Customer

As you get to Know Your Customer, it’s so important to engage them, to draw them into both the Juice Plus+ Experience and our Juice Plus+ Culture and Community. Your main goals are: to help them develop the  “Juice Plus+ Habit” – only that way will they see the results they deserve and that we … Continue reading

Know Your Customer

We all know that Juice Plus+ is more than just an easy way to get added nutrition from a wide variety of fruits and vegetables every day. Thousands of people report that after only a few months of taking Juice Plus+, they’ve started to eat more fruits and vegetables, too. They also report that they’re drinking more water, … Continue reading

90 Day Emails

Customer Email Campaign The email campaign to our customers is a great part of Customer Care, provided by corporate. New customers receive these emails: Day 1 – How to add Juice Plus+ to your life Day 15 – 5 ways to eat more fruits and vegetables Day 30 – How Juice Plus+ may be changing … Continue reading


Calendars for Zooms/Calls with Jenny or Mick Schedule one here! If possible choose to Zoom – so much more powerful. Zoom id: http://zoom.us/j/9709485950 password: teameagles. If a welcome or connect Zoom/Call, please email details about the person using this Profile Sheet as a guide. This 3-Way Call Checklist will help us partner to make the most … Continue reading


We build our JP+ business one conversation at a time – sharing our products and sharing our business by sharing our Story. More than ever before, “The world is hungry for better health, a sense of belonging and an opportunity to live a life of purpose.” (John Blair, Senior VP, The Juice Plus+ Company) Also, more than ever, people … Continue reading


Our GOAL is to help you make each and every month your best month ever! This program reduces coaching to answering three simple questions each month and having a friend hold you accountable to achieving the goals you set. EVERYONE CAN DO THAT – both the coachee and the coach. So within a few months … Continue reading

Converting Customers into Partners

by Karen Weaver How do we do that? Through great conversations, customer care, building relationships, asking questions, asking more questions, listening, listening, listening. Remember the statistics: 85% only interested in JP 10% may be interested in the business at a later date 5% might be interested right away How do we find the 10%? Listening!! The real art of … Continue reading

Daily Method of Operation

“A good DMO may well be the most useful and simple tool that anyone can use to improve time management. I am confident that this strategy will make a profound difference in your life.” Gordon Hester Your DMO needs to focus you on achieving a goal for the month – for example, the 5-1-1 (enroll … Continue reading

Facebook Friends Favor

Here’s a way to expand your reach, to find new prospects, and to have more people to share your Juice Plus+ Story with (as well as a DMO that will keep you gainfully employed).  So far some have seen 5-10 Yes’s, others as many as 69! Only attempt this if you are willing to do … Continue reading


You never need to run out of prospects if you get good at getting referrals! Here’s how … ASKING FOR REFERRALS (while doing Customer Care Calls)  When you have a “satisfied customer”, ask them for referrals: Step 1- Affirm Success “You’ve had great results on the products” (or make it specific to their results)…..ie., “You know … Continue reading