Doing Life

Every week (best on Sunday night or Monday morning) let’s sit down (perhaps with our coach on the phone) and look ahead day by day to see where we will be “doing life” this week. As we do this, let’s think about who we are likely to see in each of those places, who we want to share … Continue reading

Enrolling & Keeping Customers – Resources

90 Day Customer Email Campaign Antioxidants vs Oxygen Free Radicals (excellent article) Art & Science of the Drip Ask – the Magic of Asking “The Beauty of Juice Plus+” Best Nutritional Support System I Know Of (by Dr. Marilyn Joyce) Bone Health Webinar Building a Customer Base California Proposition 65 Chart California Proposition 65 FAQ China Study: 8 … Continue reading

Building Momentum

with Commitment, Consistency, Conversations and Connection Most of us generate good momentum at the start of any new venture (be it New Years resolutions or our new business venture), but it can be tough to keep that momentum going and not let it slip. Momentum in Juice Plus+ is a learned skill. The result of … Continue reading

Know Your Customer

We all know that Juice Plus+ is more than just an easy way to get added nutrition from a wide variety of fruits and vegetables every day. Thousands of people report that after only a few months of taking Juice Plus+, they’ve started to eat more fruits and vegetables, too. They also report that they’re drinking more water, … Continue reading


We build our JP+ business one conversation at a time – sharing our products and sharing our business by sharing our Story. More than ever before, “The world is hungry for better health, a sense of belonging and an opportunity to live a life of purpose.” (John Blair, Senior VP, The Juice Plus+ Company) Also, more than ever, people … Continue reading

Your Why

Your WHY verbalizes the driving force that moves you to success as you work your Virtual Franchise. It explains WHY you do WHAT you do. It inspires your Vision, what you and your life will look like as a direct result of living the life that was designed for you, and achieving your Goals. These … Continue reading


We have a tried and proven system that guarantees success to everyone who truly implements it. Which of these aspects of the Virtual Franchise is your priority today? Enrolling & Keeping Customers Team Building Resources Managing Your Business Personal Growth

Value of the Virtual Franchise

Gordon Hester, business expert and economist, spoke recently regarding the wellness industry and the future of health care and social security. He sees the future as a ‘yellow brick road’ for Juice Plus+ and the Virtual Franchise. Why? The Baby Boomer segment of society is growing.  Starting in January 2011 more than 10,000 ‘boomers’ a … Continue reading

Share Your Journey

Listen to this audio training. Keep it simple; then those you invite to join your team will say: “I can do that! We invite people to take a look at Juice Plus+ (our products) and to take a peak at what we do (our Mission, our business). In all of this our Conversations make all the difference. … Continue reading

Juice Plus+ Complete Recipes

Looking for more information on Juice Plus+ Complete? (click here) 10 “No-Milk” Shakes with Juice Plus+ Complete by Ivy Larson As you may know, my husband (Andy Larson) is a general surgeon who has a special interest in surgical nutrition and also does a great deal of lap-band bariatric (weight loss) surgery. After weight loss surgery it … Continue reading