Goal Setting

[…] I have a Customer Qualified Business 5. I invite xx people to look at JP+ and my VF, with people attending FB Parties, Wellness Parties and other events.” How to Complete Your Goals – Template Instructions Copy the template above into your email or word processing program, then customize it for your own situation and send […]

JP Live! Fall Conference & Spring Leadership Event

[…] part in that Big Picture = your Why. Motivation results from understanding clearly why we do what we do. 3. Inspiration: armed with your Why, you learn how to communicate that Why to others. People will want to be part of what you do, when they understand and are inspired by why you do what […]

Mastering the Art of Goal Setting

[…] have 17 goals for 3+ years out, 12 for 6 months out, and 6 for next month; oh, and I’m working towards 100 on my “bucket list”! How about you? All my goals are Written; they are Personal, Positive, Passionate, in the Present tense, and express my Potential. For example, “By the end of […]

Introduction Emails

Email is a powerful, simple and “comfortable” tool to support your Virtual Franchise. It is no substitute for face to face and phone conversations, but it is effective and efficient. After the major challenge of managing email, the second challenge is to give your prospects just enough information, without overwhelming them. We’ve written a […]

Doing Life

Every week (best on Sunday night or Monday morning) let’s sit down (perhaps with our coach on the phone) and look ahead day by day to see where we will be “doing life” this week. As we do this, let’s think about who we are likely to see in each of those places, who we want to […]


[…] their ‘details’. At your Virtual Office under ‘My Team’ … ‘Search My Team’ … enter their name or FIN# to bring up their Details (see right). This shows their “12 month analysis”, their “Last month PVC report” and their “Business at a Glance”, and will give you what you need to discuss their activity […]


[…] (telling your Juice Plus+ Story) before you have identified a need, the problem that Juice Plus+ could solve. That happens when we don’t ask good questions and listen well. How do we know we need to improve our conversation skills? Ask yourself if you are aware of any of these ‘red flags’ in recent conversations we’ve had […]

Is Juice Plus+ Organic?

The fruits and vegetables from which Juice Plus+ is made are grown in a variety of locations best suited in soil and climate to each particular fruit or vegetable. Juice Plus+ makes every effort to source and use the highest quality, vine-ripened fruits and vegetables available. Organic ingredients are used whenever possible. Having been several times to the […]

Building Momentum

[…] creating volume; success is about creating momentum – volume is the result.” Cheryl Cortese, NMD. Listen to Cheryl, one of the most successful ladies in Juice Plus+, explain Momentum, how to get it and keep it going. Commitment To your Why – Dreams and Goals To your DMO (Daily Method of Operation) To high-payoff Activity that […]

Jim Rohn’s One Year Success Plan

Years ago, on our journey to National Marketing Director, we followed the teaching of  the late, great Jim Rohn  (RIP); we can attribute much of our personal growth to his wisdom, and he contributed more than any other single person to our success. His audio trainings were almost like having him in our own living […]