Share Your Journey

Listen to this audio training. Keep it simple; then those you invite to join your team will say: “I can do that! We invite people to take a look at Juice Plus+ (our products) and to take a peak at what we do (our Mission, our business). In all of this our Conversations make all the difference. … Continue reading

Go For No!

Yes is the Destination, No is How You Get There. For years we have trained on the importance of being willing to “mistake your way to success”. Now we have discovered an outstanding book and program that teach the same thing. What if you could take the greatest obstacle standing between you and success, and … Continue reading

Goal Setting

G.O.A.L.S = Godly Objectives Assure Lasting Success Set Goals, not Resolutions, to achieve Results; as you work on them, pray that God will guide and bless your efforts and results. Why Set Goals? Because if you aim at nothing and you’ll hit it every time Bear Grylls says:  “This one step – choosing a goal and staying to … Continue reading

Training Calls

These calls are a great opportunity to have some of our most successful NMDs train you and your new distributors in our system as well as a wonderful learning tool for improving your own coaching and training skills. Campbell Team Training Calls ( password ‘campbellteam’) Team Eagles Training Calls Dr. Jim Guest, CCN: “Juice Plus+ Complete – … Continue reading


LISTEN & QUESTION Your Way to Success “be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry.” James 1:19 Asking the right questions at the right time, listening to the answer and responding appropriately to what you have heard are probably the most important skills to learn for success in life and in business. Very few have these … Continue reading

5 + 1 Every Month

Here’s an exciting incentive for Sales Coordinators and above: For everyone, at every stage, it is vitally important to get 5 new Juice Plus+ Preferred Customer orders every month – at least. Add one new team member each month as well and you are well on your way to establishing the habits and disciplines needed to achieve great success … Continue reading

3-Way Connection Calls

These calls are a powerful tool in your business. They are simply a way of connecting your prospect or team member with an ‘Expert’. Understand that ANYONE they don’t know is an ‘expert’ to them! For example: “Janet, my friend and mentor Jenny has been sharing Juice Plus+ much longer than I have. I would love … Continue reading

Understanding How You Are Paid

The video presentation below will give you a solid foundation for understanding the Juice Plus+ Compensation Plan. You will also learn how to Get Started properly with our very predictable road map for success. PVC REPORT You can also learn how to read your ‘PVC Report‘ by listening to Jenny’s audio training (recorded in 2008!) … Continue reading

The Power of Duplication

‘Duplication’ involves two different but tightly-connected concepts: Duplication is about results: the exponential growth that comes from our business model. Duplication is about action: the importance of keeping what you do simple, so others can “duplicate” you (OR IS IT?!) The first is vital and pretty easy to understand; the second is often misunderstood. To a significant degree the second leads … Continue reading

Why is Juice Plus+ not sold in Stores or Shops?

The Juice Plus+ Virtual Franchise is a hybrid business model, taking the best (and rejecting the worst) of several other ways of doing business. Jay Martin’s article explains it best. It’s a common question, so let’s answer it in the context of the direct sales industry, with which we have much in common: “Why are … Continue reading