The Birth of Juice Plus+

by Dr. Humbart Santillo Before I tell you about the research behind Juice Plus+®, I’d like to tell you the personal story that led to the development of this whole-food product. When we’re experiencing a trauma or other significant event, we don’t always fully understand it until it has passed, and then we realize that it has changed our lives for the … Continue reading

3-Way Connection Calls

These calls are a powerful tool in your business. They are simply a way of connecting your prospect or team member with an ‘Expert’. Understand that ANYONE they don’t know is an ‘expert’ to them! For example: “Janet, my friend and mentor Jenny has been sharing Juice Plus+ much longer than I have. I would love … Continue reading

Website Banner Ads

Do you have your own personal or professional website? If so, you may use any of the images posted at Juice PLUS+ Insights (scroll to the bottom) to link back from that site to your personal website. Use of any Social Media Shareables & Website Banners the Juice Plus+ Partner agrees to adhere to … Continue reading

Understanding How You Are Paid

The video presentation below will give you a solid foundation for understanding the Juice Plus+ Compensation Plan. You will also learn how to Get Started properly with our very predictable road map for success. PVC REPORT You can also learn how to read your ‘PVC Report‘ by listening to Jenny’s audio training (recorded in 2008!) … Continue reading

Maximizing Your Juice Plus+ Conference Experience

by Nancy Kroupa, NMD The following tips are recommended to help you maximize your valuable time spent at the upcoming Juice Plus+ Conference – the “Super-bowl” of all JP+ events. I. Prepare Yourself Before the Conference Go yourself!  You must set the example and attend yourself, even if you do not have any team members going.  … Continue reading

Know Your Customer

We all know that Juice Plus+ is more than just an easy way to get added nutrition from a wide variety of fruits and vegetables every day. Thousands of people report that after only a few months of taking Juice Plus+, they’ve started to eat more fruits and vegetables, too. They also report that they’re drinking more water, … Continue reading


We build our JP+ business one conversation at a time – sharing our products and sharing our business by sharing our Story. More than ever before, “The world is hungry for better health, a sense of belonging and an opportunity to live a life of purpose.” (John Blair, Senior VP, The Juice Plus+ Company) Also, more than ever, people … Continue reading

Converting Customers into Partners

by Karen Weaver How do we do that? Through great conversations, customer care, building relationships, asking questions, asking more questions, listening, listening, listening. Remember the statistics: 85% only interested in JP 10% may be interested in the business at a later date 5% might be interested right away How do we find the 10%? Listening!! The real art of … Continue reading

5 Elements of Powerful Stories

by  Matt Ragland When I was in college, I cared about what people thought of me. Too much. It affected how I dressed, spoke, ate, exercised, and what classes I took. I rearranged my life to make others happy, and went with the ebbs and flows of their opinions. I didn’t serve my true self, or the … Continue reading

Personal Growth Resources

Ask – the Magic of Asking Belief Change Coaching Commitment Daily Discipline Developing The Leader In You and In Others Disciplining your Disappointments Discover Your Sweet Spot… and Live There Dream Big and May Your Dreams Be Bigger Than Your Memories Dreams Encouragement Fear of Failure Fear of Success Grow Me, Serve You (Jeff Roberti) … Continue reading