How To Take Juice Plus+

Juice Plus+ … Just Take It! We email our new customers using this Welcome Email. Advising your customer to start slowly is very important; since they often don’t read emails (properly) you should call them to make sure they start slowly. Here’s what we say: “When is it best to take Juice Plus+? It really doesn’t matter. We suggest … Continue reading

Health Information (documents, videos and audios)

ADD – How to Treat (pdf) by StaciJoy Ellis, RN ADD or NDD (video, 8 min) by Dr. William Sears ADHD and Autism (32 min) by Dr. Valerie Miles Allergies to Foods and JP+ (2 min) by Bridgette Blain, PA Allergy to a food within JP+? (9 min) by Wendy Campbell, RN, NMD, 100 Club Allergy to a … Continue reading

Building Momentum

with Commitment, Consistency, Conversations and Connection Most of us generate good momentum at the start of any new venture (be it New Years resolutions or our new business venture), but it can be tough to keep that momentum going and not let it slip. Momentum in Juice Plus+ is a learned skill. The result of … Continue reading


We build our JP+ business one conversation at a time – sharing our products and sharing our business by sharing our Story. More than ever before, “The world is hungry for better health, a sense of belonging and an opportunity to live a life of purpose.” (John Blair, Senior VP, The Juice Plus+ Company) Also, more than ever, people … Continue reading

Doing Life

Every week (best on Sunday night or Monday morning) let’s sit down (perhaps with our coach on the phone) and look ahead day by day to see where we will be “doing life” this week. As we do this, let’s think about who we are likely to see in each of those places, who we want to share … Continue reading


Our GOAL is to help you make each and every month your best month ever! This program reduces coaching to answering three simple questions each month and having a friend hold you accountable to achieving the goals you set. EVERYONE CAN DO THAT – both the coachee and the coach. So within a few months … Continue reading

Converting Customers into Partners

by Karen Weaver How do we do that? Through great conversations, customer care, building relationships, asking questions, asking more questions, listening, listening, listening. Remember the statistics: 85% only interested in JP 10% may be interested in the business at a later date 5% might be interested right away How do we find the 10%? Listening!! The real art of … Continue reading

Introduction Emails

Email is a powerful, simple and “comfortable” tool to support your Virtual Franchise. It is no substitute for face to face and phone conversations, but it is effective and efficient. After the major challenge of managing email, the second challenge is to give your prospects just enough information, without overwhelming them. We’ve written a sample … Continue reading

Follow-up – it’s where the Fortune is!

“The Fortune is in the Follow-up”! You will hear this often, and it so true. Follow-up can be one of the most underrated and underperformed parts of our Virtual Franchise, but if you embrace it and learn to love it, Follow-up will make you a Fortune! Watch this video to learn the power and practice … Continue reading

Qualifying National Marketing Director

Congratulations! You have reached an important milestone and you are in qualification and training for NMD (see the benefits below that await you!) Your Next Step: Your next major Goal is, of course, National Marketing Director. Let Julie Herbst remind you about the Leadership Track: This worksheet will help you and your sponsor plan and track your … Continue reading